Ebola is horrible, and educating people on the subject is great, but how is this in any way car-related? Does the virus spread through diesel or screen wash since it is on Jalopnik?
Ebola is horrible, and educating people on the subject is great, but how is this in any way car-related? Does the virus spread through diesel or screen wash since it is on Jalopnik?
I suspect a pending Sony sponsorship. Makes sense with next years Honda engines :)
8.) Automatic headlamps
I am amazed that there are no systems in place to check the maintenance of the cars on the American roads.
Yeah, tell me about how you were discriminated against because you had to pay a bit more for your healthcare.
Sexual orientation, as well as gender and skin colour, should not be an issue, but seeing as there probably are gay racers afraid to come out for fear of being stigmatized makes it an issue.
I care. Having first hand experience of being in the closet it sucks.
A certain level of class? "Don't ask - don't tell" much?
It might not be hampering peoples careers, but it certainly hampers their personal life. I have first hand experience in being in the closet and it sucks and is bound to impact their professional life.
A gay high five for you my friend :)
How does that relate to racing? Who said anything about giving gay racers an advantage over other racers?
Well, I'm a gay guy who loves racing and cars in general!
That is not what is happening. Nobody is talking about favouritism. It is about whether or not people are afraid to be open about who they are for fear of stigmatization or worse.
People who have to hide their sexuality cares... a whole lot actually.
/An out gay guy!
It is not about being "open-anything". It is about whether or not you have to hide a part of who you are. It is about not having to call your boyfriend "my friend Mark" for fear of being stigmatized or worse.
I would love seeing her do the school run in that Porsche!
And at a price of 400-500 USD it is definitely money well spent if you want to keep your car for a while and/or keep up resale value.
Precisely, salt on the roads, and damp/wet climate with occasional frost is the perfect conditions for rust. Though cars have become better with regards to rust over the years they still need protection, and every mark has had troubles. Fords in the late '90s, especially the Mondeos and Focus', rusted in the doors as…
Well rust proofing depends on where you live. Here in Scandinavia it doesn't matter which car you have, if you don't rust proof it will rust.