Agatha and Vision having their own series would be a great way to follow up on WandaVision as both have very different opinions of her and are living in the aftermath of her actions and how they directly impacted both.

This game almost certainly ends with the player being able to do The Snap, right?

Who’s writing that Goosebumps book. I enjoyed the show for the most part and wouldn’t mind a conclusion ahead of the S2 going full anthology (if that is still in production).

I mean, she’s a fellow reality witch with mind control powers and a fondness for genre television. Seems more like the countless title changes were lowkey guerilla marketing for the eventual premise.

Seems like a problem for someone like Whitbrook who’s job it is to write about scifi.

Following Godzilla v Kong and Godzilla x Kong, the next film will be called Godzilla y Kong and take place primarily in Mexico.

COMING SOON: “Beneath the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.”

Disney is going to absolutely Mando this show...aren’t they.

I’ll always remember him for his most iconic line:

Sonic fans and hate watchers alike.

I have to assume a sequel to Megan would include either a second robot or a DIFFERENT crazy robot possessed by Megan, right?

The part that kinda bugs me is it’s being treated like Superman meets Thor. It sounds like a spec script but hopefully they’re able to polish it up.

Discovery should be fun.

Yeah, Will implies a lot of things without actually saying anything. Very weird.

But it could definitely prompt some questions that Disney might not want to put itself in a position to have to answer.

Yeah, remaking the first movie but it’s from the apes perspective is a different way to approach it.

It’s not a spoiler if it’s part of the marketing. Because now the mystery is "How?"

If the “political fraught” nature is the mere fact that Sabre is MCU Israeli, that’s not a problem I care at all about.

This is what happens when a studio pushes back a movie release after a third party has already set it’s own schedule.

I’d love if this were just a regular ass political drama or romance and occasionally a zombie runs by in the background because at this point everyone knows the rules and is used to it.