George Kennedy, episode 3, whatever he named Salacious Crumb (Jaba's monkey thing), and Rollie Polie Ollie got me
George Kennedy, episode 3, whatever he named Salacious Crumb (Jaba's monkey thing), and Rollie Polie Ollie got me
Ah that's not so bad, long as it's it's just for stuff you can get in-game anyway or cosmetic shit I basically ignore microtransactions
There is no canon. There's "default" I think, but there's no "this is the real storyline" cannon like there is with, say, the Kotors
all via The Keep. A website, linked to your profile, in which you'll basically set all your plot flags as you like, and can customize Hawke's appearance to match your personal head-canon.
Morrigan's child would only play a part if it exists. The OGB never was conceived in most of my playthroughs
it's Hawke, but not the warden, according to Laidlaw. You will however, via the keep, get to customize Hawke's appearance to match your head-canon.
not broken, just very different than PC. As one who's never played an RPG on PC, the origins 360 controls worked absolutely fine for me. I can imagine, however, a person used to cRPGs would be less than enthusiastic about the differences.
I bet it's Justice/Vengeance. For no reason other than it would be awesome to see an expansion pack companion go from literal Lawful Good, slowly become corrupt, until he becomes a/the big bad. (Anders' DA2 suckage notwithstanding)
I'd like to see a game with the Buffy/Willow dynamic, where the PC, like Buffy, may be the "chosen one," but a companion, the Willow in this case, is obviously far more powerful.
a sarcastic statement that serves equally well as a reply to my comment as it does yours
at what point did I mention anything about this man's personal parenting method? I didn't. What I did do was put forward an alternative idea to what you were saying, which is that you'd have preferred that the children learn lessons that conform to your personal bias. Note: I am in no way passing positive or negative…
how about educating kids without bias and giving them the tools to form their own views and opinions, instead of "teaching" them to parrot they're parents views.
I've been on a family trip that involved pictures with automatic-weapon-wielding soldiers, and even sitting on a tank. Jamaica, when I was 12
at first I thought you we're saying "Reptile, please" in the same way a black stereotype would say "ni**a, please" and that made me strangely happy.
I can see a million decapitations before breakfast and be fine, but I swear to Super Jesus if I see a nipple I shall rain holy hell upon your family for generations in the form of sternly worded letters signed by everyone in my prayer group. Bacon.
same way they shoot fireballs out of their hands?
weird, cuz injustice reminded me of MK9, only without finishing moves.
I'm pretty sure Sony doesn't have the rights to Spider-Woman. At least not the first/current/best Spider-Woman, Jessicca Drew.
Wakanda has often been portrayed as a primitive tribal nation of loincloth-wearing stereotypes who kept their technological advancement secret from the world and pretended to be "just another part of Wild Africa."