I wouldn't say know to a toilet with a bad ass Blood Dragon on it
I wouldn't say know to a toilet with a bad ass Blood Dragon on it
that's fair enough, and I do remember those days (I literally learned how to read on NES game manuals so I could play with my dad). I remember battle toads and ninja gaiden and, later, super Star Wars. So I know what target the From Software games are aiming at, and I respect it. But my tastes tend towards story first…
I feel like my eyes just that's the best sex of their lives. Like a spiritually uplifting, loving yet thorough fucking. My retinas are now men.
I've not seen that word in an eon.
no real children were harmed in the production of this game. In fact, I bet a few were born during it's creation, so we're good
I'm curious as to what the first 9 games + awful spin-offs were then
well Armageddon is already "fixed." Both in that it everyone dying was retconned away, and in that all the awful story lines leading up to it were negated without being outright ignored. And it seems like they introducing new characters instead of just re-retconing people they just killed back to life. Except for…
I'm curious, and this is low snark, if you've actually played MK9? For me, it dethroned Ultimate MK3 as my favorite.
maybe give both teams the objective of keeping the hostage alive?
Not an elephant! A Michael Baylephant!
maybe they're from somewhere that Hindi is spoken?
Read that as car blowing up in your feces. Not a good look.
I'm with you, I'm fine with them adding in a crossbow for those who are so inclined, but do not take away my bow! I will fight them right in the face if I don't get my bow!
that's not an elephant, it's clearly a Michael Baylephant
what they need to do is take a cue from blood dragon and give us motherfucking blood dragon 2 (and I want "motherfucking" to be part of the title).
thanks to games with gold, I'm only just now playing Dark Souls. And yeah. Too hard. I can't get past the first like 45 minutes. It looks like I would enjoy it, if I could actually see more of it, but nah, not for me. And, I assume, the same would go for this game.
that's fair. I've developed an ability to mentally check-out during boring parts of games that I otherwise like, but I can definitely see how, if the combat was not to your taste, it would stop you from going back
I think I've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 11-14 different full playthroughs, with expansions, in DA:O
ah gotcha. I guess in that case my favorite origins character was a male Dwarf noble sword and board, and DA2 probably female archer with sister in the wardens. I tend to go warrior play through first, so maybe a Tal Vashoth warrior for DA:I
I don't think there is a turn-based mode? There wasn't one in the previous games anyway