
What sucked about the capcom games is that marvel was always more suited to MK style "realism" vs SF's more cartoony vibe. MK vs Marvel with guys like punisher, ghost rider, Carnage, etc in an M rated fighting game? Yeah that would have been waayy better than MK vs DC (which sucked) and injustice (which was decent)

I predict, based on nothing, that Amell!Arrow is in this game in some capacity.

1) I don't think I know you could walk jump in the game

$100, the most expensive game I've ever bought, and It. Was. Awful. Thank god AKI/THQ eventually got the license.

Is this game made by the team that does the single player games? I won't play MMO's (I get too addicted) but I love the balls out of Skyrim, and Oblivion before it. I'd hate to hear that there will be even longer between skyrim and TES VI because of this game.

Motherfuckin STREET SHARKS. Points to you man. I remember nothing of that show other than that I loved it (probably for the best) and had two street shark hand puppets with which I hand-bit everything possible

I'm confused... I love "old style" expansion packs as much as the next guy... But this is a story taking place 15 years after the main story of AC4, starring a character who is only an NPC (and not an overly important one at that, at least so far into my playing of the game), and centered on a story not connected at

A) consoles sell at a loss
B) MS is like the second biggest tech company in the world, you're surprised they can afford this?

I've got a couple friends who's last names are De Los Angeles. Philippino last names can be awesome.

I've found that italicizing the second half of words does a passable job of conveying sarcasm. I don't know to to do italics on here with my phone to demonstrate, but try it out.

To be fair, that's not what they said in this video. It was "this is crestwood, bigger than DA 2! And not even the biggest area in this game!" Followed by them saying the desert area they showed next was bigger still than crestwood, and still not the biggest area in the game.

For me it was the big writing in the top corner that said "PRE-ALPHA BUILD" that gave it away.

I sincerely doubt it. No offence to you, but the vast majority of people who play this type of RPG have "controlling the whole party" pretty damn high on their list of reasons why they play it. It's not a button masher hack and slash that's fun to play with friends (except, one could argue, on easier difficulties)

I wonder if this takes different spellings as different names? Britney/Brittni/Britany and such should really count as one name I'd think.

I noticed that too. Seems odd that there'd be one for 360 but not for the xb1. Hmm

There a version of this video somewhere that's not region locked?

This makes me want to go on a spree of climbing, biting, and punching buildings after leaving a conspicuously placed copy of Rampage at my house just to see what happens...

It makes me sad how often I try to take advantage of money saver deals only to find they're US only...

I just gotta say... I don't think ironic means what you think it means.

I dunno about GTA, but a red dead redemption sequel set in Australia would be awesome. We all thought those (mother fucking) cougars were bad in the first one, this time our horses are being killed by drop bears and spiders and platypuses.... Oh that'd be great!