Plastic Surgeons hate her! Try out this new cheap and easy treatment that makes this 80 year old look like a 19 year old!
Plastic Surgeons hate her! Try out this new cheap and easy treatment that makes this 80 year old look like a 19 year old!
Dude, PS1 had 32 bit colour, it was one of the first consoles with no real limits on colour pallet and it showed with all the great variety of colourful games from brown-grey gothic horror of Nightmare Creatures and Soul Reaver, to bright and cheerful cartoon lands of Spyro and Ape Escape, to creating that "cool blue"…
How good do you think it is considering that big daddy is probably just a 2D sprite?
"U WOT M8?"
That might not be as impressive as it appears if that Big Daddy is actually a sprite based on the 3D model from Bioshock-07. Look at the space between torso and arm, doesn't change a bit with the change in angle.
"If I start a brand of swimming outfits and all they are is half inch stickers that say "This is a swimsuit" does that make them fine to wear to a public pool with children?"
That's not true... I'LL KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE... I mean, uhh no it isn't.
It might have been a big deal in 2010 when Kevin Keller was introduced (quite smartly) but it's been 4 years and 2010 was itself a bit overdue. I mean the idea of hiding homosexuality from adolescent Archie readers is silly as it's an inescapable part of the world they know and Archie isn't supposed to be a 1940's…
Not that I should need writer's account for what's clear on the page, but there's a compilation of sources including writers being unequivocal.
Cats can be easily fooled as well:
My theory is that they keep re-using what are very OLD established characters. Superman and Batman are from like 1930/40's Spiderman and Iron Man from 60's, and back then even mentioning homosexuality existing could get the comic branded obscene.
I honestly don't see the discussion. What's to discuss? Especially amongst Archie's readership. Asshats like Anne Coulter will say something but people like that have something nasty to say about everything.
Well what of the idea that A-10's effectiveness in anti-tank role was mainly from its anti-tank missiles and very little from its guns. And it's guns are overkill for anything less than a tank. Not that F-35 is particularly good for launching big huge anti-tank missiles. And then the other tactical-bomber was the…
You're amazingly bitter about this (and apparently don't read many comics consider how you disparagingly you assume no gay representation).
Well we know the inverse isn't true, we've had social conservatives who have been economically extremely unconventional and risky. Remember when Republicans were "Fiscally conservative"? When the last thing they'd consider is risk the US Govt defaulting on debt payments.
I have seen how effective an uber strategy can be...
There is the kind of implicit finishing the books "oh well you can die now, thanks for all the sex scenes".
You seem to be doing your best to ignore my point and reiterate your own when I read and comprehended you the first time.
I'm talking about compared to REALITY. Which is kind of important because we all live in reality.
Here's the problem of PS4. It really has nothing to distinguish itself except slight graphical improvement.