
The next two seasons were uneventful second-round playoff losses

Irrelevant comment alert!

Has anyone talked about the Ocean in GTAV? How it's the best looking water in a game. The best water physics ever done in a game. The best water in a open world game. The best under the water in an open world game. It really is a sight to behold when you're in your sub and surface to the top of the water. It's like

I sure don't!

If you could go back in time and change just one thing about the piece, why wouldn't you instead use the time machine to kill Hitler? What's your issue with Jews?

Every Friday is date night

No no no. That's Peter King in dogface. He thinks he thinks it's a valid protest against the team whose name he won't mention.

Things that I think I think about on 9/11.

Andrew Ryan's not usually one for defending golf clubs.

So not to sound like a total conspiracy theorist, but this blog ( has been posting about doping in tennis for a few years a while it is wildly speculative it raises some excellent if circumstantial points. If nothing else it offers a comprehensive explanation of

Title suggestion:

[sees troll]

Hey, it's the weekend! Sports are happening right now! Here's a list of mid 2000's emo songs that some dumbfuck listens to while he jogs!

Give me a break with this PC shit.

"It's not something we're not going to publicize" says the guy during a radio interview. Hate to break it to Klemko, but saying it publicly is publicizing it.

When Pacific Rim is named the best Big-Budget film of the summer, there's a problem

"Hey, someone died! Yay, that means we can break out some real zingers in the Deadspin comment section and make fun of this tragedy!" God damn, fuckers. Do you ever quit with this juvenile joke shit? Stop acting like a bunch of candy ass Dane Cook wannabes for one goddamn second. A man died, he has a family that


A little magic spray and he will be good as new