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Imagine for a second that these words were said by another politician anywhere else on the globe:

“Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Let me tell you about Doctor Trump’s Miracle Elixir! It cures insomnia, neuritis, neuralgia, the vapors, female problems, whooping cough, syphillis, AIDS and, yes, even cancer! Only $10.00 a bottle*! A very small price to pay for the benefit of excellent health!”

Nobody has ever proposed “open borders’ in my lifetime. That is fox news bullshit cut and dry.

I dare say that pollsters haven’t asked if Americans “are in favor of open borders and unrestricted immigration” because that’s not a real position held by anyone in elected office.

People who argue this ridiculous point need to get educated.

It’s pretty much exactly the problem the character God faced in The Bible. He was, by any objective account, an asshole. Prone to capricious anger and imposing so many tiny rules on everyone that no one knew how to behave. And, because he ‘knew all’ all he could thing was “Why don’t you all just listen to me! Why

A multinational stealing a guy’s name. That’s...

Dude, you brought up Weinstein apropos of absolutely nothing, so no, I’m not going to reconsider telling you to fuck off. In fact, I’m going to double down. Now....FUCK. OFF.

Kinda like how the land of Roy Moore also holds that belief right?

I actually disagree, I think if you’re taking a class called Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy and Pornography, you should probably expect that you’re going to be exposed to things that you may find offensive and, as the name of the class suggests, examine those things. I don’t think the students did anything

He expressed opinions that made it impossible for Google to continue to employ him without being toxic to a large portion of his coworkers.

Many people have forgotten that the reason Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to Memphis in the spring of 1968, and the reason he was standing on that balcony at the Lorraine Motel when he was assassinated, was to show support and solidarity for waste disposal workers who were being treated to inhuman working conditions

Fast food concessions should be a starter / part-time job.

So, it’s better to have a worker have 2 or 3 jobs so they can survive? I mean, if you pay a very low wage (one where the person doesn’t make enough to survive on), then that person either has to get multiple jobs (which closes jobs for others), or has to rely on financial help from state or federal government programs.

Talk about fake news. He cut down trees so people could SEE nature. That’s not a bad thing at all. Duh.

And just like the show you’ve referenced you have mistaken contemporary populist sociopolitical ambivalence for apolitical apathy. Sorry that people who aren’t you suddenly seem to give a shit. I like South Park but fuck their cynical antagonism towards anyone who cares.

Member when the right weren’t a bunch of wounded snowflakes crying about every story that reflects poorly upon them?


You’re just another fucking troll. Save us this shit and get a life somewhere else. You know well why people take offense to the “n-word”. Don’t come here with that horseshit.