
Fuck this idea that the flag means more to the military.

*I* don’t think that the flag and anthem hold a special connection and significance to our military.

We weren’t. I took the oath twice, never mentioned flag or anthem either time. Maybe they changed it.

Do you actually not think that the oath to protect the Constitution holds a more special significance?

You should be every night. It’s a helluva town you got on that side of the Bay.

Damn proud to be an Oakland resident tonight. Damn proud.

You’re right. Canadians don’t do it and only use their anthem during important events.

I always wonder what the reaction would be today to something like the Boston Tea Party. You know, a BLM equivalent. Probably something about looting, animals, rioting, thugs, etc etc etc

*doesn’t see D or R next to his name*

Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the

Gonna play Devil’s Advocate here. I’m Asian (Chinese descent) and I have difficulty differentiating between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean at times. If I have difficulty, what about the average “wypipo”?

Just like it’s “wildly offensive” for a Swedish guy to play a Russian, right?

Asians can play other Asians, that isn’t racist, it’s acting. You think every white guy is the same? A German can’t play an Irishman, or an Australian can’t play a Canadian? Where’s the outrage over Hugh Jackman playing anything but an Aussie?

Actually, Trump communicates at a 4th grade level while Bernie Sanders ranks around the 10th grade level.

So Obama is a source of life bringing energy and trump is a dead moon that every now and then stumbles in the way?

Don’t judge how I spend my Friday nights!

He’s an Inspiron to us all

My Grandfather spent his youth in North Africa and Europe killing nazis. I’m glad he didn’t live to see us elect one as president.

I’m like so waiting for the real reason this was written. Was he always just an asshole towards women? Was Susan down the hall constantly correcting his code contributions? Did Mary who he was dating (but annoyed him because she was constantly correcting his code contributions) get a promotion, dump him because she