Selfishness doesn’t fly around these parts. If your “priorities” involve going out and doing dumb shit that ends up getting my grandmother (or me) sick, then yes, you are correct, I will shame and call you names.
Selfishness doesn’t fly around these parts. If your “priorities” involve going out and doing dumb shit that ends up getting my grandmother (or me) sick, then yes, you are correct, I will shame and call you names.
This song was also cut from last year’s adaptation of Cats.
Well that and $150 will get you a passport.
Depending on your travel companion that’s a good way to wind up single.
Saturn doesn’t actually have any brand equity to resurrect.
Ehhhh the contracts with Ford alone will keep Rivian alive one way or another. They’ve already been confirmed to produce the first EV Lincoln platform. They’ve been working with Ford on the F150 electric....They’re pretty solid.
I mean, you could search and find out pretty good studies that take this into account for a total life cycle analysis. In the end, it ends up being a case of if you value total green house emissions vs land fill & recyclability vs total energy consumption. Electric cars come out ahead for emissions (even if your power…
Because they have the meats.
Claire Daines also is confusing to follow in the dark and being able to tell if she’s going to stop or turn or what.
You may have pictured the variable CG item in the post iteself. See how far the big heavy tire is sticking out in front of the Mog? I imagine that can be expanded and retracted to mess with the CG, putting more weight on the front axle in a situation where the rear is presumably stuck or slipping. These trucks are…
They’re selling for about €90,000 fully decked out, and about €70,000 for a still very-respectable camper experience. But considering a good condition 20 year old Eurovan is going for around $30K, I’d say there is a market for these in the US.
You do not have to signal when entering a roundabout, but you do when leaving it and it is always a right signal when exiting.
Like E D pills.
Hell, the regular Wranglers do that, just not intentionally.
On an unrelated note, it’s just good practice to wipe down that bike seat at the gym before hopping on.
“He’s NOT getting my vote. Period.”
I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off