
Too late. Did it almost 2 years ago for being racist fucks. trump just sealed the deal. They haven’t had any contact with their granddaughter since then. trump racists must be made to pay a price for their horse shit. I’m happy to oblige. Also, all MAGA cult resumes go straight in the trash. I do a deep social media

Aaany minute now.

My discomfort is more important than your dignity”

Add a letterbox: Letterboxes (the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen) make your digital shot look wider than it is—giving it an appearance that’s very similar to actual film.

Any one know how to make the $50 free shipping kick in... It says it on top but Its not working

Any one know how to make the $50 free shipping kick in... It says it on top but Its not working

GSA: more progressive and inclusive than the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. Take note, MWMF.

“We are famous for our hand-dipped shakes. Everybody knows our hand-dipped shakes. For the uninitiated, a hand0dipped shake is made with real ice cream, not the seaweed plastic-juice stuff you get at other fast-food restaurants.”

Gerard Butler as Roy Fokker and Ariana Grande as Minmei, Dakota Johnson as Lisa, Sean Connery as Capt. Gloval. Sorry I'm in a hurry.

As Colbert said, "I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because police officers call me 'sir.'"

Console wars are won and lost on two fronts: exclusive games, and non-exclusive games.

I think The Verge finally hit the nail on the head by calling out GamerGate for what it is: a right-wing movement. Adam Baldwin, an outspoken conservative, coining the hashtag that people use to harass women, or cite and other right-wing pundits, or post videos of conservative think tanks like American

Ah yes, a woman who makes a point "aggressively" is a problem. Obviously, if she was juts more demure, more hesitant, everything would be fine. Or maybe you are just a sexist concern troll.

You do realize that you don't have to be an artist to critique art, nor a chef to critique food, right? You do not have to be an author to be a book critic. Or a filmmaker to be a film critic. I could go on and on and ON with examples, here. Those who make academic critiques of published works DO NOT HAVE TO BE - and

I've watched almost all of her videos and fail to see any sort of poisonous or contemptuous speech. People who see/hear it in her videos are projecting. They don't *want* to hear it, so they shove their heads in the sand and comfort themselves by saying that it's not them, it's not the games, that are wrong, it's

*says nothing when people call Anita a whore or a cunt*

Wow you guys are getting some fucking mileage out of something you know NOTHING about, at ALL, aren't you? And by the fucking by, you think if a man knocked a woman about in front of his brother, and everyone ignored the woman and started examining the brother/brother relationship that Jez would be A-ok with that? Im

There seems to be a consistent strain to both the articles and comments here, which is everyone wondering what Jay Z did to deserve getting attacked.

eta: sorry about the size on that mofo.