
I think this same thing happened with the term “SJW”. Years ago it meant a conspicuously passionate, vanity-driven left winger - someone whose prime motivation was social approval and internet cool points more than anything else.

Who knows? The Mooch’s swank new development might get a very warm reception

They could do it if they stuck to several rules: No cost to buy in, all players start a game with the same chip stack, a player’s chip stack resets to zero upon exiting the table, and chips can’t be exchanged for currency or items. The only incentives would be the fun of it, bragging rights, achievements, or XP points.

While GTAO offers a lot of activities, a huge portion of them have been abandoned. I don’t think anyone plays tennis or deathmatch or Simeon car missions anymore. Those have all been overshadowed by the new wacky-ass stunt races offering double cash, the free roam CEO/MC missions, and heists.

Is the character creator more straightforward in RDO, or did they stick with the same frustrating GTA system of scrolling through parents and grandparents? Are players still limited to late 20s/early 30s generic athlete body types, or can I make a character old and heavy like Uncle if I want to?

True, there’s always a nebulous election day X-factor which sometimes boils down to “hey it’s that guy from TV” and sometimes it’s “this is a candidate I’d have a beer with”. Whoever the Democrats nominate in 2020 will have the benefit of Trump fatigue, not being Hillary, and if we’re lucky, someone who gives zero

If the GOP crumbled in the wake of Trumpism, the political spectrum of the US government would just shift leftward, moving closer to what many European nations have now. At the left end, you’d have politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and at the right end you’d have politicians like Joe Lieberman and Mike

Obama won because he inspired a lot of D voters who stayed home in04 and ‘06 to get their ass to the polls in ‘08. If independent voters really made the difference, then the “maverick” McCain should have won.

It’s true. You don’t need to be a trivia buff to get a lot of the clues right especially in the first round. Laser-accurate timing on the buzzer lets a player clean up in those “gimme” clues and force the other players to use the limited amount of chances they have to take big risks on the harder ones.

Maybe you didn’t notice her Dia de los Muertos skull motif, or her various Spanish voice lines, but her epic Summer Games skin is called “Mexicana” and literally says “Mexico” on it.

It’s a special lens called a split field diopter. You see it a lot in Brian DePalma and Quentin Tarantino movies.

And why not go hog-wild, knowing they’ll likely get a blanket pardon from Trump and if need be, five Supreme Court justices who’ll back that pardon? I wouldn’t even rule out an honorary parade when all is said and done.

Yeah, a 90/10 split where 90% will link up with cops and militias to liquidate undesirables and 10% will condemn it using very strong, flowery terms right before going into hiding.

I don’t need to personally enlist to know there are more closeted white nationalists and Lt. Calley types in the US military than there have ever been.

Considering I paid $60 for SNES games back in my broke-ass teen years, I would be fine shelling out $100 for games like RDR2 or Cyberpunk if it meant a unionized AAA game industry.

“Antifa liberals”

The problem is, anyone whose game code used [old_username] as a static value now has to patch their games accordingly. And if they don’t feel like it or if that studio’s no longer in business... *sad trombone*

People in general. More and more of the population are gravitating to urban centers, leading to an increasingly lopsided system of representation in DC.

Don’t most Maine residents live in the coastal towns though?

Yep. If it’s a case of minority rights being infringed upon, the ruling will be “golly gee, while the vigilantes surrounding the polling station may have shot at minority voters, unless they wore official uniforms and verbally declared they were acting on behalf of the government, our hands are tied”