You see, “states’ rights” only applies to certain... issues, so to speak.
You see, “states’ rights” only applies to certain... issues, so to speak.
Eh, maybe they felt it had a better chance competing with Aquaman and Mortal Engines than Ant-Man 2 and Mission: Impossible 6
As someone who drinks for the mood lift, euphoric feelings, mental serenity, increased interest in socializing, and the way the flavors of beer/wine go with food, I’ve tried replacing alcohol with weed and realized that weed has exactly nothing to offer in these departments. Smoking weed resulted in self-doubt,…
So he pleads the 5th or “can’t recall” in response to all of the questions. I don’t see how he’s screwed in that scenario. How would that galvanize the Complicit Congress into turning on Trump?
Elections are no longer decided based on who appeals to the moderate center and wins over the most swing voters. That’s a thing of the past and it’s never coming back. That “huge swath” you speak of may have mattered in the 90s and the early ‘00s but as of November 2016, undecided voters have officially ceased to be a…
I don’t think that lining is as silver as it looks. Young, pissed-off liberals will indeed sprout up, but most of them will be sprouting up in cities that are already deep blue. And a significant number of women across the nation still hold their nose and vote GOP, no matter how repulsive the candidate.
Yeah they’ll have to get the tone just right. If they go with a simple revenge plot and keep Duke the same Jack Burton/Ash-type macho man who’s entertainingly crass but not so awful that he loses the audience’s sympathy, there’s a remote chance it could actually be one of those solid re-watchable movies. John Cena…
What boggles the mind is the fact that they’ll break out the defib paddles for this dessicated corpse of an IP, yet nobody can manage to get a Metroid movie off the ground, which has much wider recognition/appeal and would resonate better with modern day movie audiences. Nah, let’s spend six figures on exploding pole…
“I would argue that they do. In fact, I’d argue that they *should.* When you’re dealing with a situation in which being wrong means a bunch more innocent people die, and you have no reason to believe you are wrong, you’re going to act to preserve life — which in this case, yes, means being willing to take it.”
You and I know that police training and police culture in the US are in dire need of reform. It would be hard for a prosecutor to make that case in a court of law, though. “Your Honor, we’re charging the defendant with attempted murder because c’mon... we all know that in this day & age, police are so unreliable and…
The whole “swatting = attempted murder” stance should be examined a bit closer. It’s basically an implicit admission that American police are badly trained, and likely to gun down whoever they find at the scene.
Yeah my Texas Board of Education-approved high school history book never mentioned any of this.
It meant more than “being a rebel” and it’s no coincidence that the flag had a resurgence in popularity at the very same time that civil rights movements were gaining momentum. It was a symbol of defiance against the meddling federal gubmint and those outsider agitators who wanted to repeal Jim Crow laws.
The First Order have no use for Rey unless she helps them exterminate the Resistance and dominate the galaxy. They’re not going to pass up a chance to deliver the killing blow so Rey can learn more about herself. Even if Rey somehow mind-tricked the entire FO into letting the Resistance get away, then she’d still be…
Why would Rey join forces with Kylo Ren? “Rey turning evil” makes zero sense from a character motivation standpoint. Why would Rey willingly go along with the First Order as they move closer and closer to wiping out Leia, Chewie, Finn, Luke, and everyone else in the Resistance? She just suddenly stops caring about…
That version of events sounds highly unlikely. You think Blizzard had a Valentine’s event on track for early-mid February, but due to some irate Mei fans griping in the forums, they scrapped them, went back to the drawing board, and in the span of less than a month, designed and created an entirely different event,…
My money’s on: wasting away in some Homan Square-type black site
I can not see them having a chance of maintaining a majority in any forum by alienating 50% of the voting population.
Another thing: Gear Loadouts. I really thought they’d incorporate this simple thing that has already been done by 3rd party web apps. Let players save specific loadouts. You have a stylish, finely tuned Warlock with all the right void perks, but your fireteam would have a much easier time with the prestige strike if…
Another hurdle is you have to reconcile the terms and conditions for both online communities, as well as the feature disparities. XBL and PSN are similar, but there are some crucial differences. How would a PSN player find their Xbox friend and invite them to the fireteam? Can they voice chat with one another? It’s…