
The police on the other hand are required to anounce their presence before entering a house.

Nothing says “responsible gun owner” like keeping an AK-47 around for home defense, blind-firing it at a suspected burglar (or drunk person at the wrong house, who knows?), and sending bullets through the intruder, the wall behind the intruder and whatever’s beyond that wall.

From the videos, it looks like players can spawn at the location of their partners/squadmates, similar to Battlefield. So if your squadmate is under heavy attack, you’ll spawn right in the thick of battle. Unless I’m mistaken...

A Patch of Blue. I also remember this player. An encyclopedic trivia brain is one thing, but having that plus the instant recall and lightning quick response time for every. single. answer... raised a lot of eyebrows.

Minor error in the beginning of your article - the SOAR founder’s name is Tom Bunn, not David.

They could have just taken the curved BF4 HUD, given it some subtle PipBoy-ish retro accents, and it would have been perfect. The design they chose looks like QuizUp.

This is why I’m hoping R* adds some free-roam content to the oceans and shorelines in GTA: O. Fishing, lifeguarding, or even something basic like random underwater crate spawns that require scuba gear or a submersible. Right now most of that terrain just sits around unused.

I went and tested it out by turning on passive mode and driving near red players and someone blew me up with a sticky bomb. Being run down didn’t seem to harm me though.

Even in passive mode you can still die from bombs or being run over.

Great. So any console player who doesn’t want to fork over the cash for a peripheral like this should probably avoid multiplayer FPS entirely or get used to being demolished by xXxM0u53M45t3RxXx

There wasn’t and still isn’t an online economy the way there is in Diablo or WoW. It’s a static, one-dimensional system where money is generated from missions and goes straight to moneysinks like clothes, ammo, and replacement cars. Aside from wagers and cash gifts, player-to-player transactions aren’t much of a

Exactly. It boils down to this: everyone in the United States who can read a menu knows what “scooped” means. The same cannot be said for “dipped” and countless other quaint little flyover bumblefuck regionalisms. Page one of the Steak & Shake employee manual should include a brightly-colored aside about “scoop vs

This is why I don’t understand why deadlifts are recommended to total newbs. Deadlifts are supposedly the greatest “bang-for-buck” compound lift, but the slightest form imperfection can put you in traction for the better part of a year. Seeing my awful deadlift form and realizing I could have permanently ruined my

This is something that still confuses me. We’re told the best way to burn fat and lose weight is to increase muscle mass. But to add muscle mass, one must do resistance training and eat a slight calorie surplus so the body will have the “building blocks” for muscles to recover and grow on non-lifting days. In other

And I thought I was all alone in my Dakota Johnson-as-Lisa advocacy. She really is perfect for the role. Connery is too old and too retired to ever want to play a space captain in a CG robot movie, so my vote is for Giancarlo Giannini. Gerard Butler should be Breetai. Sonequa Martin-Green as Claudia, Ryan Gosling as

Well there's the problem. How would an uncultured dullard like me determine which art critic knows what they're talking about and which one doesn't? The world's leading theologians may be extremely well-read and able to articulate the finer points of their field in an engaging way but it's not enough to get me to

Hate to break it to you but all art criticism is superficial. As in random blather. As in completely subjective, and completely devoid of meaningful information. The Sistine Ceiling? Meh. Schmaltzy chocolate box art. No wait, it's a breathtaking work of genius. It's both. It's neither. It's whatever, man.

Well, think of this "bullshit cynicism" as the chickens coming home to roost. Long before this video, "everyday folks" had gradually become aware of their status as philistines incapable of appreciating that which can only be understood by an elite group of sophisticates steeped in bleeding-edge critical theory. So

Consumer broadband is nowhere near what it has to be to stream a live sporting event in detailed, realtime VR. We can't even get our HDTV stations up to Blu-Ray quality yet.