If instead of "fundamentally not wired for hooking up" he had said "generally conditioned by social pressures to seek relationships and not casual sexual encounters" I don't think there'd be as much bewilderment.
If instead of "fundamentally not wired for hooking up" he had said "generally conditioned by social pressures to seek relationships and not casual sexual encounters" I don't think there'd be as much bewilderment.
Not only that, the suit itself is supposed to be a modular, evolving thing - kind of like a blend of Iron Man and Green Lantern technology. It seems odd that an advanced race like the Chozo would be constrained by battery packs and ammo storage when designing the ultimate combat suit.
Vehicle access can be changed on the fly. I've stolen someone's car only to suddenly screech to a halt and involuntarily get out when they change their settings.
Even that Prime suit comes off as stiff and unwieldy - more like medieval knight armor than something an advanced alien race would build for a human warrior. If they merged the color scheme and torso of the Varia Suit with the sleek, mobility-friendly contours of the Light Suit, it'd be perfect.
I don't understand why Metroid fans get pissy over messing with established canon when the canon itself can't even nail down her height or how she puts the suit on in the first place.
Maybe he's genuinely suffering from a personality disorder and in need of help or maybe he was simply being an asshole, the same way a jerk at a nightclub acts when a woman brushes off his advances: rude comments about her body, gender or sexual preferences (which happens quite often). Sometimes it's a case of brain…
I disagree with the statement that "no good could come from posting this video". Putting this guy's shameful behavior on display for all to mock can serve as a cautionary tale for other bitter creeps who feel like hurling abuse at women who don't reply to them. Yet to you she comes across as a mean-spirited narcissist…
Yikes. The broken bizarro-English leads me to believe this guy grew up in some macho honor culture society.
Notice how the poor abusive harassers of OKC get all the benefit of the doubt. "Cut these guys some slack - clearly they're working through some issues."
Yeah, publicly shaming those who send creepy harassing messages on dating sites is clearly a greater offense than sending creepy harassing messages in the first place.
That sounds to me like a simple misunderstanding. Chivalrous acts like door-holding can sometimes be interpreted as mildly patronizing, e.g. "man of action helpin' out the fair maiden" and yeah there are worse examples of sexism out there. But just because there are more severe offenses being committed elsewhere…
Well I built an elaborate machine in Minecraft that auto-generates characters who are tired of characters who are tired of "someone built this totally awesome thing in Minecraft" stories.
Medical technology isn't at that point yet but if it ever becomes possible in the future for a person born with male physiology to get pregnant and birth a child, I don't see why you can't be.
If you're referring to the stereotype that mild-mannered, emotionally mature men are weak sissies, every feminist I can think of is opposed to that line of thinking.
I think you misunderstand the "Nice Guy™" term that's popular in feminist discussions. "Nice Guy™" (often capitalized with a trademark symbol) is typically used to describe a bitter, unassertive hetero guy who thinks his lack of romantic encounters is because women are only attracted to swaggering macho jerks. It's…
Rush Limbaugh didn't merely co-opt the term, his radio show and books were singlehandedly responsible for the term's popularity. It's often trotted out by self-identified conservatives and by "South Park Republicans" - typically college-aged conservatives who fancy themselves independent thinkers for being a few…
Any person who chooses to drop several thousand dollars to engulf his living room in a cluttered pile of gaming hardware just so he won't miss an occasional exclusive:
I distinctly remember that first true "multiplayer" moment when my friends and I finally got Duke Nukem 3D multiplayer to work over a direct dialup connection. Seeing another human-controlled Duke suddenly zip by in the distance was impressive, but rather than ooh and aah we reacted by laughing our asses off.
It's a mis-categorized item that the seller just happened to price like an expensive piece of consumer electronics. It was an intentional deception and for some reason you think it's unfair that the poor scammer was denied the fruits of his labor. I'm guessing the reason has something to do with bootstraps and…
You're seriously still on the fence about whether the seller was acting in good faith? Yeah, I'm sure the seller genuinely thought that crappy inkjet printout was worth £450 and just so happened to post it in the electronics category next to legit consoles. Honest mistake!