
An artist tracing porn?

Well I never.

You just really have to see this.

It’s true, this man has no dick.

Have you ever taken part in a Steam review bombardment? Or whatever else you might call a concerted effort to leave a negative or positive mark on a game’s Steam page via reviews, tags, etc? I’d love to hear why. Send me an email at or, if you’re comfortable with it, leave a comment.

Double related:

Ah, ok. I haven't really played it in a few months, so I must be mistaken. I hope this DLC is good. It would be nice to have an excuse to get back into DA.

The toughest decision in Dragon Age Inquisition: do I bother to read this new codex entry I just got?

If you don't post it, I will.

"again zero reason to be right handed."

Ugh, this is a flawed view that really needs to die. Link of Skyward sword is not the Link from OoT. Just because the Hero's spirit is reborn in different people doesn't mean the genetic traits are going to carry over. Also the Hero is not Link. The Hero is the reincarnating spirit that was reborn within Link. The OoT

Apple Pie is about as American a dish as you can get! :)

The journey starts at the

The hell are you on about?