
To be fair, Kendell's only 19 and was raised amid pop culture stereotypes while Ephron's entire family are/were writers.

His new number is too long to fit on it.

My neighbor is a brain surgeon.

Like I said in the linked thread:

fuck it, now i want a Toblerone

So over the way this is being portrayed nationally.

"That's why you have an Assistant Recievers Coach"

Why is organization spelled the British way (organisation) in the press release?

Yet another terribly disturbing video Floyd Mayweather was forced to watch on FaceTime.

Producer: Watch this. A.W.E.S.O.M-O, given the current trends of the movie going public, can you come up with an idea for a movie that will break $100 million box office?

Notably missing... C#! Aren't many Xbox games coded in C#? I used Microsoft's XNA framework to make some Xbox game demos in college.

Please do me just a tiny little favor and look at EVERY interaction between the police and criminals (black criminals alone, if you like, or "black and brown") and report on the percentage that wound up with the criminal dead as opposed to the criminal incarcerated, fined, or let go. If that percentage is even over

Yet, here's why this type of narrative is dangerous. You're taking a handful of instances in a 20 year time frame and making it sound like an epidemic. Are there bad, racist cops? Yes. Are there people in the system who don't necessarily work towards justice? Yes.

Sure, each of the instances you mention is unfair,

A-Ha Clinton Dix wouldn't hesitate to take him on.

You would burn a human being in a fire over a rabbit?

WTF is up with that restaurant's URL ?

Wow, the upload/download skew is so lopsided...

Oh and by the way, as if all the above weren't enough: Bumgarner was also the best hitting pitcher in baseball this season (.258, 4 HR, 15 RBI, .755 OPS). http://m.mlb.com/video/topic/11…

They're probably been furiously emailing Gizmodo for the last two months, but it went unnoticed until they mentioned it was iOS compatible.