
Did they compare it to cancer in a legal brief? No. That was a statement by Tim Cook in an interview. There's a difference.

Your browser can currently fetch these pages, and therefore can discover and retrieve the list of resources in a reasonable amount of time. Current browsers cache the resource, but the process of fetching the resource is still based on delayed discovery. This MIT approach caches the discovery side of things. It is not

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I highly recommend spending an hour to watch this video if you are interested:

“They pronounce car like care

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Do EMTs, Nurses and Doctors dehumanize their patients when they use these terms?

Leslie Jones has no reason to apologize for her brand of humor, sure, but it could still be not funny. If Jerry Lewis was out today, I highly doubt he’d have gotten nearly as big for the same reason - the style is outdated.

UPDATE from the AP:

Literally my first thought seeing her play the guitar. "I know C, G and D!"

Man I hope you’re right. I’ll never forget sitting in a meeting with the head of biz dev for Surface (the table) when he shared the sales projections aiming for 1500 units at 13k a pop. This was August 2008 when the economy was shitting the bed and I timidly (I was pretty much at the bottom of the totem pole) put my

How is this about race? Chill out.

They aren’t mother of pearl “engravings”, but rather “inlays”.

You forgot about me!

Is it "He raped me" or "I was raped"?

Looking at the article you cited, wouldn’t changing the system time such that it is interpreted as an unsigned int push this problem out 2^32 seconds further?

This is really funny to think about :)

Watch the embedded video - he swapped them, among a few others.

Also, leaving the most pathetic robot T-Bob off the list is a sin.

I loved that movie HAL 9000

That’s from all the performance enhancing drugs he’s taken in an effort to finally win an Oscar

Originality is overrated. I’d rather watch a movie that steals from something good than an “original” movie that’s fucking terrible.