
And THIS little piggy cried "Wah wah wah" all the way home...

Meanwhile, the favicon...

So if the sins are laziness and gluttony...

Bunning doesn’t know how to pick on somebody that can handle him. The only thing he knows how to do is to pick up on the weak people.

You read The Atlantic too?


Only one of these is a bug in Windows.

If you look closely, Joe cries when Jonathan confesses to Juelia [sic]. There’s a brief instant when his far cheek catches the light and there’s a tear streak running down it. It’s all smoke and mirrors!

There is some science behind this, notably the activation of brown fat due to cold exposure:

*adjusts glasses*

What are you waiting for?

After racing to enter this into my calendar, I noticed that June 20th IS A SATURDAY!

I had to de-friend a few people based on their moronic comments.

Microsoft has been teaching this method for a while. Paper prototyping is a main subject in the internal training course “UX Design for Engineers”, and used extensively by UX-heavy teams, like Surface (here’s a blog post from several years ago - see Tip #5).

You dropped the 10 when you simplified it.

Ralph Nader told my class to “stop watching Friends and do something meaningful with your life.” Always wise advice.

It’s from 4chan

This is why WSUS exists.

Don’t believe this shit. As someone else said, you have toxic people in your life, end of story.