
You enter a mental hospital (aka "inpatient treatment") for an eating disorder, not rehab. Rehab is for addiction.

Nice! I enjoy all 3 as well, but the 95 version will always hold a special place in my heart. I lost my virginity in between watching episodes 5 and 6 with my first girlfriend. God bless Colin Firth and his arousal-inducing sexiness.

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

We don't blame you for Romney. But, while we're on the subject of Massachusetts, could you please stop sending your crazy misanthropes to NH? They move here, get elected to our ridiculous legislature, and start churning out bills to regulate ovaries while ensuring everyone gets a rocket launcher to stand their ground

They learned that it's easy to get rich by fooling rubes into thinking you're "one of them."

It's a shame because he lives in such a nice little progressive town too. It's an embarassement.

I take full responsibility for putting the last nail in the coffin, having gotten engaged at sunrise on the 29th of December to my amazing trans* partner.

I involuntarily shouted "WHAT" when I saw it. That cake is a feat of human imagination and a triumph of the human spirit.

gwen did it better

Beyonce is so brave

"People say the same kind of thing to me with their eyes on nearly every flight—this guy just chose to say it with his mouth."

Is it at all possible that he might have been having a bad day too? I mean you say something about having a hangover, but what if this guy's mother just died? It was a 7 am flight, what if he had to drive three hours to the airport to catch the flight? I'm not saying his surliness was right, but it's not his

Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

My birth control didn't work!

Given the way penguins store food and hold eggs on their feet, can they just act as their own U-hauls after the second date?

Jewish lesbian penguins?

Did anyone actually think A&E suspended the dude because they were surprised and offended by his words, not because they thought people might boycott if they didn't? I'd be surprised if anyone was so naive.