Frankly, you’re wrong about him and his fanbase. Referencing a few scandals out of context doesn’t mean you can cast 100 million people as alt right or anti semetic.
Frankly, you’re wrong about him and his fanbase. Referencing a few scandals out of context doesn’t mean you can cast 100 million people as alt right or anti semetic.
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.
So rather than genuine personality conflict, it sounds like the dispute between Antonio Brown and Ben Roethlisberger was more of a “Tastes Great / Less Filling” type of problem.
The reason real he and Ben Roethlisberger didn’t get along was because they were too similar.
Steelers fans like him again now
The teen girl’s mother has also been told by other parents that her daughters need to cover up for “the sake of their sons.”
Congratulations to the New England Patriots on winning the AFC East before they’ve even taken a snap in the season.
“Adam Gase had a chance to set the tone for the Jets’ season.”
The Bills lived up to their reputation for 3 quarters. Unfortunately for the Jets, they only needed to live up to theirs for one.
Am I imagining things or did the audio indicate some dude was trying to talk his dad out of charging into a parking lot fray with a six-foot-eight professional athlete over sportsball?
“That guy, the one who’s huge and totally ripped and considered a great athlete by NBA standards, that’s the dude I’m gonna pick a fight with!”
Everyone involved in this saga on both the Steelers and the Raiders feels like a character in a Christopher Guest movie.
I imagine the call went something like this...
Collusion? Collusion!
When was the last time they haven’t looked incompetent?
Taking the Army to multiple overtimes is a fun tribute to the war in Afghanistan