Actually he has been back on WWE TV at least 3 times since he was taken off for the slurs. He was back at this years Mania and last years Saudi show and I think 2 weeks ago or 3 weeks ago Raw. Sorry just saw “never”. Yeah Vince is going to be happy Eric will take the heat for this one.

Sting’s “Payoff” which was Hogan’s fault, showed how little power Eric really had over Hogan and Nash. Eric in one night killed this Hottest Face in Sting and the new hottest face in Wrestling in Bret Hart. Hogan was great at killing anyone who would get in his way.

Because he reminded absolutely no one of Tim Duncan on defense? Which is kind of a problem for a center. It’s crazy that Luka can be such a limited defender and still be miles better than Trae and DeAndre when you consider position and whether a guy can be hid. Jaren Jackson should have finished third tbh

This pettiness is understandable. Obviously, the billionaire’s got the blues

I’m a Cavs, Browns, and Indians fan.  Go ahead and prove every Boston fan stereotype correct.

If I were commissioner of the NBA for ONE season- I could fix problems like this FOR GOOD.

If you’re going to have one movie constantly looping, you can’t do better than “Point Break”. It has everything: it’s a movie, and it has a love story so girls can’t complain.

So many questions.  Did he spread the frosting on the hot dog like a condiment, or did he dip the hot dog in the frosting like some kind of meat pixie stick?

Yeah, I really need to talk about Brad too. Being from PA and having a few relatives that went to PSU, I’m going to read between the lines here. Based on the bowl cut, the video game and alcohol prohibition, and gatekeeping the phone and starting conversations with other people’s friends, I’m guessing that Brad’s mom

There is no way I can pretend THAT is a woman.

Just what I was about to say.

That sounds quite European. They’re on the cutting edge of sexual exploration, you know.

“This probably isn’t even a question. But is there a worst decision than trying to sleep next to your kid?”
Obviously no. Sleeping with your child is the absolute worst and parents who can (or pretend they can) co-sleep are actually swamp monsters sent to infiltrate and try to ruin American parentage by making normal

You’re drunk at a random bar in Anywhere, USA. What’s the most interesting thing you find in the bar bathroom?

I love the salty outrage of you dumb crackers. A black man gets away with murder and ya can't let it go even 20 plus years later. Wypipo been murdering black people for centuries and getting away with and when one of us, that has the means beats the system and yall still butthurt. Lol

‘You can’t even beat your man. Just shut up and watch me.’

Sorry but I’m gonna be that guy, I want Bron and this shit to blow up badly. Never has one great player done so much to stack the deck in his favor. For real why don’t we just trade everyone to The Lakers to help ol Bron. Yeah we should all feel good that a black man like Rich Paul is doing so well but Bron keeps on

If Disney and Netflix pull out of Atlanta, Georgia’s economy will basically collapse overnight. People ain’t buying peanuts anymore.

As much as I hate to say it, this looks like a set up. We all know that Alex Jones only gets hard when the kids are dead.

Pictured: The suspect who put all the child porn on the InfoWars servers