It was over as soon as Klay went down. You take the wins any way you can and good on Toronto for going the distance, but it’s a damn shame that we never got to see a healthy Golden State team in this series.
It was over as soon as Klay went down. You take the wins any way you can and good on Toronto for going the distance, but it’s a damn shame that we never got to see a healthy Golden State team in this series.
Is anyone under the impression that Toronto would win this series without bully ball defense that is extremely foul heavy and without GSW injuries? I get it, it’s rather asinine because basketball is basketball, but really is ANYONE under the impression that Toronto could beat a HEALTHY warriors? Anyone?
Who would have thought the Warriors dynasty would be ended when they fired the medical staff?
Having a hard time getting worked up about this, personally. The ads on Deadspin are frequently intrusive and bad but I turn Adblock off here because God knows I love this place and I’d like y’all to keep Remembering Guys in perpetuity. There are much, much more troubling ad/partner integrations than a league partner…
How do you feel about the commerce content that’s found on this site? While it is of course different in many ways from true Deadspin posts, it does seem to try to fit in with the rest of the site; it definitely doesn’t feel slapped on.
Yeah, I left out the NHL because I really don’t watch hockey. (Don’t hate.) I’d like to think that there is no NHL arena that would erupt in cheers at a downed player like the Raptors fans did today, but I don’t watch enough hockey to venture an opinion.
Michael Irvin’s career ending injury in Philly in 1999. The crowd roared for a long time. I am sure that is why Aikman brings up how shitty Philly fans are every chance he gets.
I’m an Eagles fan, I still have to hear Troy Aikman talking about how we once booed Santa Clause 60 years ago. I’ve never seen a player injury cheered so lustily as Durant’s got cheered. Giving Toronto fans a pass for this is inexcusable.
I screamed! It’s not a full Remake but fuck it I’ll take it! My favorite Final Fantasy!
FINALLY! This game was in dire need of a remaster. Now we’ll actually be able to tell what we’re looking at!
I’ve seen a hooker eat a tire!
So is this even more secretive than the mechanics of the booster club (or “Foundations”) at many big time programs, where they are fully intertwined with university business when it comes to things like paying new coaching salaries, Saban’s mortgage, Hugh Freeze’s hooks hotline etc.
Cashier: Bark Bark Bark Woof Bark Woof
I didn’t even know they had laws in Florida.
All you guys do is complain,every fighter knows the risk of fighting. Who cares if they get their brains turned into mush. It’s their choice. Get over it quite being sensitive Nancy. They are all adults making their own descions. Don't watch it if it bothers you. Don't watch anything that might bother you. Go off…
Deadspin audience sees one very skilled woman kick her opponent in the head in a sanctioned event where both knew the risks and were training for months for and they get outraged. They call it human cockfighting and want it banned like actual cockfighting cause it “crosses the line” and offended them. Even though NBA…
If you’re bored by the sport, you simply don’t understand it. Most people who are fringe fans or occasional watchers are usually bored by the “ground game” which at times can be slow, but they are literally involved in a physical game of chess called Brazilian jujitsu. The more you watch, the more you understand or…
That is probably the strangest description I ever heard about UFC.
I don’t think you understand the mentality of a fighter or the adrenaline rush they experience. Someone sitting on their couch and who never fought for a living wouldn’t understand.