Pro tip: Don't give $1000 to strangers.

"Im not familiar with any of those games, so how could I complain about that?"

Seriously? That's the most foul-tasting excuse I've ever seen used in a debate. Somebody learns you on something, and in your defense, "OH HOW COULD I POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THAT?"

Yeah good call. I know. I just don't really dig when somebody replies to an opinion with condescension. It's a pet peeve. My bad.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you're not that familiar with the Metal Gear series, perhaps you shouldn't critique the characters in said series?

So you know everything about this video game character before the game has even come out? Good job!

Ummm... I'll use my PC if I wanna do PC stuff, thank you. I'll use my PS4 for gaming.

It cost 100$ more per night than all the other hotel rooms and there is a camera in the ceiling. Ok that was just too easy.

I'll support IE once they decide to get with the times/standards, and not try to win people over with generic as hell campaigns. This "anime" girl looks like the absolute most stereotypical anime you can get. At least Firefox has decent fanart that makes some sense. This is just pure garbage.

Ah okay overshot that line, thats a really good deal! :)

(I had to C/P this 7 times! god talk about being pounced on...)

Ah okay overshot that line, thats a really good deal! :)

(I had to C/P this 7 times! god talk about being pounced

Little easter eggs like this? yeah I think that someone found it, posted it to Reddit, and then Patricia cherry picked it. The difference? Patricia is a paid journalist and the guy on Reddit was just sharing an egg he found.

But...Netflix, on default, auto-skips to the next episode anyway. Unless you can't handle the abject horror of 10 seconds of credits.

I realistically swam away from Call of Duty.

TL;DR = the console that costs $100 more is less capable - graphically - not just on paper but in practice.

Xbox One = A watered down gaming PC designed for DVR/Internet Explorer functions, meanwhile running games at 720p at launch.

Who are you to invalidate other peoples' opinions? When I say I hate PewDiePie, I don't pretend to know him personally or hate who he is as a person. I would probably have a beer with him or share a car ride with the guy. But when I turn on a video and it's filled with screaming and mouse-shaking and his

Still not remotely interested in the game. Seems to be a game about douchey people doing douchey things in a douchey world...with shitty Rockstar controls.

I wanna play a game with heroes, damn it! =C

All of my gaming friends are making the jump from 360 to PS4 (myself included). Only one of us is getting both. XBox720p can eat it!

Why would you start this series with its 5th game?

Best game? Please.

Awww... It's funny because I just finished watching a bunch of vids of it on PSN and was debating whether I should get it or not. It would have been my first AC game. After reading this, I'm not so tempted anymore.