There’s your ethics in gaming journalism right there.
There’s your ethics in gaming journalism right there.
The 77% stat is all women nationwide vs. all men nationwide. It’s hugely misleading considering it doesn’t control for major issues like hours worked, or job type.
Yes, I agree, women who play professional sports should be fairly compensated. And the disparity between losing in the first round of the men’s FIFA World Cup and winning the women’s FIFA World Cup should not be so stark - particularly for an organization wit h so much money running around. HOWEVER, some of the reason…
your jezebel is showing
So, I have an issue with Pinkham, and most of you commenters who are pro-tipping. I'm not trying to start an argument, but it is astounding how many people just accept this outdated custom. If you haven't noticed I agree with Bartlett, although I do tip, but not because I care about the worker, I don't, it's a hostage…
You can afford pulling out with or without a job for christs sake.
Oh god, please, stop. People don't get to decide what is and isn't funny - and humour is a fantastic coping mechanism for a lot of people. Saying "i'm offended" means nothing, I don't care, nobody cares.
no, here's the real thing: your need to have representation here is BULLSHIT. media doesn't need or have to reflect anyone's lives or experiences. it just needs to be what it is, and hopefully whatever that is happens to be good. frankly, if the only way you can interact with media is for it to reflect your own life…
Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these…
Stephen -
You don't want to lose out on that sweet sweet BMW or Mercedes money. After all, those companies have never ever done something unethical in order to garner positive coverage or enrich themselves.
In fact, those kind luxury vehicle folks at Mercedes would roll over in their grave if you ever pointed out they…
Are we really tired of GamerGate, Stephen? Or is this more biased activist journalism trying to brainwash us into being tired of it? Hey. I'm just asking questions! What? I thought this was America! Do you SJW PC Game-Hating Super Facists have something against questions and America?
You see, Steve, that's the thing — you're tired, we're tired. Everyone's tired. But ultimately it takes me far less effort to email Kotaku and Gawker's advertisers, get them to pull out (just like BMW and Mercedes just did in the past 48 hours) than for you to keep pushing out thinkpieces and paying your staff.
The difference is, someone is playing a good game with the controller this time.
So Zoe and Anita got harassed, yeah, that's awful. But are we going to ignore the indie dev that claimed to be sexually harassed by Zoe herself, and then got threatened by Phil Fish and others into not only keeping quiet but APOLOGIZING for it? As if it was his fault he got harassed? Are we going to ignore the…
[Insert GOOD cat meme.]
Ugh, its disappointing when people rally around a cause they don't understand.
guess this is how women feels like at the of the month
have any signs of humanity in his work?