Don’t share the manifesto. He can get fucked.
Don’t share the manifesto. He can get fucked.
Excellent. That clarifies everything. Your joke stands, not that my opinion matters on the subject.
I honestly haven’t heard that. I think I look that up I’m very curious about it
Are you okay?
For the record, I think a one-term pledge is an antiquated tactic and dumb overall.
I’m sure the Bengals and the Cowboys are hoping the Browns have enough.
“Point number 7, section B: lines 1-5.
I honestly think his brain overlapped his talking points there.
I always have and will love CM Punk. And I never need an excuse to use this gif and I think it’s apt today.
That was worse than I can imagine. The only answer that was any good was the response to his alleged “one-term pledge,” and even that wasn’t that great.
I’m definitely the worst, buttercup.
I don’t like Biden either, but I imagine most of this shit can be condensed into a story or two and not a non-stop barrage. Unless he does something in the moment, then of course print it.
I agree. I think since they have an air of legitimacy, they tend to not get as much stick as they should. Fox News is open propaganda that happens to align also with their corporate interests. CNN is corporate interests entirely, with a dash of journalism and a slip bucket full of nonsense.
If I recall, North Carolina also had a lot of dickheads bragging or at least explaining why they were redistricting a certain way and wrote it down for everyone to see. So maybe Michigan and North Carolina have a strong case for a tie on who is worst.
I didn’t realize that. I meant lay low in a media sense, and it seems that she was kind of forced to relive her ordeal in various ways during her lectures. That seems almost worse.
This is insightful. Definitely need to cap this.
You’re right. My email isn’t on meatspin. You got me.
Wait, what’s happening again? Did you put the picture in a quote generator of platitudes? I nodded off during the draft.
Sure, friendo. Look out, I’m behind you.
I dislike sanders and his supporters, but I would never compare him and them to trump. Having disagreements is one thing, but sanders is far and away better than that on any given day. If you’re into that, cool. Have fun and I don’t want any part of it. I’ll hold my nose and vote for him in he general if it came to it.