The Game Anthropologist

“How will you address the problem with white suprmeacists?”

You can’t be this thick. Well I guess you could be, but you honestly couldn’t be saying that statement as if it applies to Biden. As if it’s new and that’s why you’re repeating it.

My god that’s amazing.

Wasn’t even remotely talking about Biden, but I can see why you’re confused since this is a Biden post.

That was essentially what I was saying.

You’re right about being overly sensitive and that’s about it. Man, your post history is a chamber of horrors. 

My contention was you presuming that anyone who is critical of writing off a candidate for seemingly minor reasons - the purity test critique - is automatically some kind of weirdo, or centrist. Brief aside: you guys are turning into trump fans every time you say the word. I feel sorry for you.

They probably do. Ignore them and focus on people who have actual issues with the man instead. It’s easier that way. 

That’s good. They make my testicle sore. 

I’m really not. I don’t care for him and his supporters bullshit. Stems back to when a sanders support asked me “why are you voting for that cunt” while telling me how wonderful the man was.

Front squats are good.

Nor should she. She was forced to lay low after the whole ordeal and has only emerged recently. He got to thrive and get to the second highest office in the land.

What was grumpy about my response? Oh, it wasn’t glowing praise of sanders. Ipso facto, grumpy centrist corporate anti-fun pro-breakfast cereal lobby anti-anti-fur guy. 

I didn’t say that the data was faulty. I said it wouldn’t last. And I admit I’m spiteful and have from the beginning.

The poll is genuine, it most likely won’t remain the same, I don’t like sanders and won’t vote for him, and Sirota is a hack. None of these are mutually exclusive.

Plus I never refer to anyone as a

Hmm. Surprising, definitely won’t last though. Also, I know it’s not your fault and the poll is genuine, but Sirota is a fucking hack.

Whatever helps you get Internet point, you sad person. 

Commanding lead? Source, please. 

Lots. But honestly it doesn’t matter. 

I prefer Newark.

I... I know... you told me.