I agree with you on that, except in sanders case.
I agree with you on that, except in sanders case.
That’s true. There needs to be a fleshed out plan. I think for now we are trying to change the psychology on the whole affair by saying, “yeah we need to fully fund health care.” Once we get everyone - or a good portion - on board with that, maybe we can get a plan going.
It really is hard to find a picture of sanders not looking like a boiled potato with the posture of a jumbo shrimp.
They can frame it all they want, but I think at this point a good chunk of the population may be finally on board. As long as they don’t outright lie about how it works, how it’s implemented, or make up some other crap about it then it should be fine.
I like that term.
I wouldn’t say his mask is slipping, more that is is stapled to his face at this point and the white privileged mayonnaise filled parademon is showing.
CNN stop being CNN when Bernard Shaw left. I think he saw the writing on the wall around that time about 19 years ago and decided to skip out.
You are speaking to someone not worth speaking to. I’m whiter than a snowman slathered in sour cream, but I would never claim to know how a minority group votes completely bornlefture to them.
And Candle In The Wind was the number one song of the 90’s. Being popular doesn’t mean diddly dick about being correct, honest, or decent.
Carlson is like a character out of central casting. I’m almost certain that the plucky ski kids are going to pants him and dunk him fully clothes in the mountain’s pool.
You don’t have to like bernie sanders...
Great. Thanks for the talk.
And sanders ain’t gonna win this time.
Oh I know what you mean. I’m a student of history so I could tell you that there were still people clinging to Nixon even though they had the tape of him directing the Watergate cover up.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Hopefully there is a great deal of substance to this whole affair and not something that can be widdled away by a bunch of right-wing freakshows running a train on cable news.
I’ve often responded to those who claim he’s the most popular politician in the country to put up or shut up: run as an indy and sweep the “least popular” candidates away.
Funny how it doesn’t work that way.
I appreciate an actual take on sanders instead of what I’ve seen on the sister sites. If they want to be taken seriously, they need to approach it seriously.
Yes they do, unless their centrists or something then there votes don’t count... or something. You’ll have to remind me how that was gaming discourse.
While we’re at it, we can also talk about gaslighting and how bernie’s supporters seem to be at the forefront of that.
Actually, let’s not talk.
I wish I could pin this entire comment because it essentially gives the game away. The end is especially good.
So I imagine if this were, say, Kamala Harris or Beto O’Rouke getting this money you would have the same reaction?
I actually think it’s trivial too, but I agree with the commenter before me: because bernie did it, it’s a nothingburger.
Hey, now you’re talking like a real sanders disciple. Get your complementary button!