The Game Anthropologist

I get that it’s tongue in cheek and you would never ever ever besmirch the name of your preferred candidate, but what is the retort for when it is brought up that he hasn’t released any new tax returns? I’m genuinely curious what the response to this might be.

Oh... I wish I hadn’t responded to your initial comment. Cuz you appear to be a dingus. 

I’ve acknowledged my own trials, tribulations, and the time I was a total shitheel during the 2016 election and have vowed to not let it come to that again.

Let’s look at the sanders camp this time around:

They know how primaries work. They already know you hate them. They know you’re going to baselessly call them naive idiots, sexists, and/or racists

Damn, my job is done already? He only announced 15 hours ago. I guess my tells were pretty obvious this time around. 

That said, Bernie has my vote in 2020 if he;s the (D) on the ballot in November 2020. I only hope the more enthusiastic Bernie fans around here follow the same pledge if it’s not him.

I’ve seen quite a few commenters online - probably an outlier, but still - speak in tones that would denote that he is destined to be the nominee and others should bow out.

One such person was apparently working for his political pac (or campaign?) at some point and tweeted how the other candidates should bow out and

Two articles praising sanders. Been a banner day already. 

Yeah I know that, but calling everyone who doesn’t agree with a centrist is shit. 

Damn right I am. You know what isn’t EPIC? Thinking sanders has a chance.

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha, etc etc etc

Well here’s the thing bro, when you continuously shit on people they tend not to listen to you. I think we both mutually agree on this sentiment. However judging by your initial response you seem to only apply it to people you already agree with.

Centrism, by and large, is a myth or at the very least blown out of proportion. I think if you have a bunch of politicians labeled as that, you tend to lose the focus on actually driving policies more towards the left.

My hyperbole was just that, but it is indicative of the mode I’ve seen most people who throw about

I disagree completely with that. The government has immense power to improve the lives of the students in the community outside of the school environment. And frankly that was kind of dickish to condense my response to “well, someone should do something.”

We need to all collectively come together and evaluate what we

It’s actually called “inclusion” now, and it has its benefits and drawbacks. Overall I’m for it. 

Yeah. I’ve said before that I wouldn’t necessarily “write off” the entire notion of charter schools. I think as they are presently being set up and created, it is a major detriment to a free and equal education. That could change though. 

Which is exactly what I said. I didn’t even mention legislative action; you actually did. I’m more peeved that he doesn’t even acknowledge it and simply says - like you - “let’s make it fair for everyone.” Sure... how do you do that beyond just saying it then?

On my end, I’m trying to make schools functional. I’m a

If you had ended it with, “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall” I would have kissed you on the mouth. 

I know, they’re so evil. They get the firing squad too, right?

So much for togetherness and stuff. 

Honestly it’s too simple for “somethings,” but I was riffing. If anything we need to take a long look at education in this country. By that I mean look beyond the school itself and check out the community.

Yeah, I know what you mean bro. It’s almost like anyone who has an opinion different from your own is called a centrist or a sell out or something along those lines. That’s been happening for over 18 months already, but I’m sure it’s okay because they deserve it.

It won’t necessarily be a redo of 2016 unless you and