The Game Anthropologist

Not to mention emboldening a new generation of pissed of women and allies who would eat them for lunch. You’re right. It is better for it to be a far-off goal to motivate their base rather than one they actually accomplish and piss everyone else off. 

I really hope this puts Collins and her little gaggle of waffling goobers in danger of actually having negative consequences for their actions. We’ll see. 

It really is extraordinary that someone like him can easily outlive a person who is considerate of what they eat and exercises frequently. I would love to say that he most likely sacrifices small Filipino boys and consumes their flesh and blood to sustain his life, but it’s more likely freakish genetics.

It sucks

I mean I get what you’re saying, but our involvement doesn’t have to be an invasion of their country.

Yeah that was more of a fact than a joke. But I wasn’t “taken in” by the whatserfaces. I just stated that fooled by them, thinking they were genuine. I wasn’t worshiping the very ground they walk on unlike some fans of a certain feckless political from New England.

Can you say that again? I couldn’t hear you through the chasms in your sentence structure.

To be honest, I don’t understand the nuances of hashtag activism to distinguish between genuine and obvious grift. I guess that’s a blindspot for me. I never jumped on board with their particular brand of stupid, but simply saw it was just an outgrowth of a fascist coming into power.

Good info.

Yeah it seems like she is walking on a tightrope of pleasing progressives and the rich doofuses who live there. I would rather hope she go with good ideas, like the freaking Green Deal.

It’s almost like it was a joke, kind of like the idea of sanders winning a primary.

B’dum tish.

But I digress, my name is not Tanya. You totally figured me out. And I am not a sock; I am a meat popsicle. 

Why are you spacing like that? Is it to intentionally make me mad or is that how they do it in Croatia? 

Well that’s disappointing. I would think the core constituency in the Bay Area would be up in arms with her easy dismissal of the Green Deal. That’s why we got to build a groundswell I guess to get these guys heading in the right direction.

So they are ostensibly the Diamond & Silk of the hashtag Resist movement: obvious grifters who found a niche milking anti-trump anger?

I’m not too proud a man to say that I was fooled by them at first. I think a lot of us were looking for new voices to take on the psychotic nature that is trump and his big gang of

Wait, I don’t get what you’re saying about thi... ohhhhhhh. I like it. 

That was first? Well, not to read too much into that but... wow. That was your first destination? The network that loves to ensure that the Times is fake news? The Times is really corporate, shit news, but not necessarily fake.

Regardless this action makes me skeptical of her innocence in the matter.

I do not think anything is proven beyond a reasonable doubt as of yet. My concern is that these allegations were at least somewhat known a year before and that doesn’t bode well.

I mean a guy claimed to be Obama’s lover back in the day and Jerome Corsi really pushed it. So a case like that can easily be scrutinized

That’s the only solace we can take. I know that it sucks to take “the high road,” but things like this shouldn’t require a second thought: he is an alleged predator with others knowing about it for some time and he needs to go. Or at the very least this case needs to be fully vetted and then it can be determined if he

Seems I was wrong about this being some kind of smear. It was a coordinated attack by the right-wing rag, but in this case it was effective due to it being true. That sucks. I hope she can find some justice with this guy and he needs to go as well. 

A juvenile mind such as yourself requires a juvenile response.

I think the makeup (bad pun) of Virginia has changed so drastically in the last 12 years that people expect all the politicians to have fallen in line with it. I don’t think VA is quite there yet, but they’re on their way. 

Listen, I don’t give two fucks if you were abused lady/fella. Don’t come at me with that shit acting like I know your personal back story and was looking for an excuse to make you feel bad.