The Game Anthropologist

And the cry laugh emoji. I just got a bingo.

The polling is erroneous. But don’t take my word for it. If he runs, you’ll find out first hand. I’ve definitely devested quite a bit since last time so at least I won’t have to put any effort into it. 

Yep. Damn spell check on phone. And you look like a blueberry.

...sorry, what was that?

Ah yes. Thanks. No apology necessary, but I’ll take it. 

I was typing on the phone and I’m loaded up with antibiotics so I’m not perfect. Oh well. You still have to live with the realization that you are you and you chose bing as your search engine. 

Hopefully they can be cajoled into doing so. Town halls, press conferences, or whatever it takes. Building a coalition is necessary in politics, but that coalition usually has different ideas on what to do. I’m not sure how to make the Democratic Party be solidly for something at all times without fissures appearing

Get on board with what? 

Are you okay? Did you just realize that bernie still isn’t going to win the primary because... it’s rigged? Who will you direct your ire to this time? You got at least five female candidates to choose from this time. Although I guess your ilk likes tulsi despite the... well, you know... everything about her. 

Same with me. But I think I was truly over it in 2017. 

I don’t really “hate” anything/anyone. I don’t like him as a person, but I don’t know him personally. His goals were never costed and he was perceived as some weird second coming which I never cared for.

He hand waved a lot of minority issues saying “economic equality” will help with that. Yeah... that might be the

If anything can curtail bullying, it’s amplifying an 11 year-old and putting him on the tv saying he’s being bullied.

Although falling asleep to the guy who is the catalyst for his bullying may actually ingratiate him with those very bullies. So victory for Josh. 


It wasn’t that you criticized Clinton. She isn’t above criticism (no one is.) It’s the way you (and since you identified yourself as one of them) did it. You hammered her to the point where she staggered into the general. You decided to have a big sad in during the DNC in Philly because the guy you liked didn’t win.

I don’t hate Frank Zeidler. Oh, you’re talking about sanders. Yeah I don’t like him. Let me put it to you this way.

We identified and sought to alleviate the causes from trump for the most part (e.g., identifying Russian propaganda outlets, fascists masquerading as “free speech” advocates, voter purges, etc.) One

Since the very beginning, cubby. I can either take insults in stride or react. Normally I would do the former, but I’m sidelined with a stomach virus and too much time on my hands. So I might be a bit terse.

Ah, I see. Well in that case I prefer social democracy.

Only my mom calls me Tanya.

And I don’t care about Clinton. I get that you sandernistas need to have her as the big bad enemy and can’t fathom that some people just don’t like you and have long memories of your shenanigans in 2016. You might be behind a solid message, but you are absolute shit messengers. 

I don’t need your approval nor did I solicit it. Kindly piss off, but... you know... with love. 

That’s another thing. I keep hearing that he is the “most popular politician in the nation”™️ and that he would win in a cake walk. Well put up or shut up. Run as an independent and easily defeat the weak minded “centrists” and psycho trump. Otherwise join the Dems fully and make them better. 

I think what galls me is that what we are experiencing now isn’t really capitalism. It’s okay to argue over the merits of either capitalism or socialism, but just as the latter is perverted the former is also the same way. Bailing out failing banks or giving enormous incentives and tax cuts primarily to the rich isn’t

3 out of 4 are Democrats, so that’s definitely good for the party. They really need to move away from any Third Way thinking, that’s very true.