The Game Anthropologist

I was asked to show where I saw this and mentioned it. This could have all been avoided if someone simply said, “No, that’s not what’s happening. That’s some outlier or some bullshit psyops thing.” Instead it was “you’re a liar and bernie and we all love her and you’re sewing division.”

I didn’t retweet or boost the

I’m was speaking of the media or some pundits or the like. Maybe some of the voter base. Not you or anyone from the party or left of spectrum specifically.

Yeah, I did not now you were a Muslim. But now that I do, I apologize. I was quoting Baseketball.

If you check my other comment on this, it was an exchange on social media that I saw. It just struck me as weird. I don’t know how earnest it was and hopefully its a outlier. The idea is to catch these kind of comments now instead of letting them fester deep, building an audience, and then being sprung up more openly

It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even want to hear him speak anymore. Even if it someone making fun of him or countering his erroneous claims. I’m just so over it. So you guys have more patience than me.

I’d rather not.

I might wake up wearing little bird pins and screaming the word “cunt” at every female presidential candidate like you guys did in 2016. So I’ll pass.

Good luck on another failed primary campaign though. Make sure you skip my house. I just don’t have the patience this time around.

I’m not your dude, bro, and I support socialism (or at the very least the weird hybrid most countries use.) I was going to respond thinking that reading text is hard as the reader can interpret it as snark or having an air of disdain.

I should have just said FDR to condense a lot of programs at once. 

I’ll meet you in the playground after school and we’ll settle this. 

I’m for universal health care, free schools at every level, increased federal spending on jobs programs, etc. And I don’t like sanders and his people.

By the way, you hump, here’s the initial exchange where I saw this.

This is the initial exchange I saw.

I never said the attacks were warranted or validated, but that they happened. And I’m still not sure if they were from a place on the left or jackasses trying to see discontent.

I have been chippy lately to be honest, but I didn’t go seeking out people that dislike Abrams. When they announced her as the alternate speaker, the comments were among the first to pop up.

Typing in a phone whilst tired is hard. 

My name is not Mario. It’s Tanya.

...yes? Is it working? My profit margins are soaring.

I have seen it more than once now. Granted it could have been some trolls. They mention how CAP is supportive of fracking - I honestly don’t know if they are - and that cancels her out. I’m sure if you give it time they’ll come up with something else.

I know that we’re tehing to have a moment, but I’m following you. Not because I’m thick, it’s bwxause I vowed to suffer sanders sycophantic fools in small doses. Catch me Thursday and maybe we can continue.

God having Manchin come into frame there really shows how he Democratic Party needs too change and how AOC can spearhead it.