The Game Anthropologist

Well I’m an atheist with a Jewish godmother. So I guess I’m just weird and you’re still reaching.

Damned if you do damned if you don’t. She would seem as a “shrew” for sitting on her hands all night. Sometimes you have to pick your battles .

So I a saw the attacks from the really really left people against Abrams. Apparently a job at the center for American progress is akin to 9/11 times a thousand. So she’s out.

From the bottom up.

I honestly didn’t know it was dismissed. I thought maybe it wasn’t posted for some reason. It seemed best to clarify my position because I wanted you to know.

I liek chiclat mikl

I’m a centrist like you’re a Ph.D candidate/recipient. sanders and his people are turds, so I thank you for floating up from the bowl to let me know that you read an eroenous poll of an unvetted presidential candidate and now it’s the law of the land.

Medicine (limited)

Because I don’t like sanders or his people and I take every chance I can to shit on each of them. I thought that was obvious. 

On wait. I remember you now. Dammit I took your bait. Be gone, you donut.

Yeah... that was not in any way anti-Semitic. My family has been saying that for years and we’re dumb Irish Catholics. So I don’t know what the hell your on about, but since it hurt you I’ll change it.

We already have socialism. This git can rant all he wants but it’s just a fact.

Because I don’t like sanders or his fans and wanted something to rant about. 

Shh. Don’t say that out loud.

...they’ll... hear... you. 

I usually don’t comment on looks, but it appears the bernster still brushes his hair with a pork chop.

Oh, and he shouldn’t run for president.

Well, you asked me a question about leaks. I responded to you and explained it fairly clearly. Actually I explained it amazingly. For some reason you got very perschnickity about it and I’m not sure why.

You seem to be itching for a fight and only indulge in such a thing when I need to. Have fun with constantly

I prefer the idea of the United States. I’m not for American exceptionalism. It is frankly right wing bullshit, but the idea of what America can be is something that we should aspire to spread to the world. The issue has been a proper application of it (i.e. not have rich white people continue running things).

Okay honestly that’s a lot of gobbledygook. You started losing me with “the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.” Look I get it. The government has done amazingly fucked up things and continues to. I won’t simply hand wave it away nor will I condemn it to everlasting fire as you seem to be.

We can use our

In a way, she probably is doing just that. Sanders most certainly was and it seems that Harris is jumping on the bandwagon. This seems like the “I want to be the candidate” type of thing to do now. So now it’s officially a shit show.

By the by, I generally loathe sanders and his people, but I’m not aware of his “awful

Based on your kindergarten line of rhetoric, I thought it best to explain it in the simplest of terms. Understand that I was meaning not to offend your delicate sensibilities with my response, but since you’ve insulted me I feel the need to reciprocate.

Some time later maybe. I have to monitor recess.