The Game Anthropologist

I am leaning towards you being right. If he had said “shareholders” it would have been super obvious. Given that he was speaking to Blue Cross reps - as reported - then it would appear he was appealing to them directly. 

No. A leak doesn’t do anything but offer a glimpse into something or provide information. Reaction to the leak, on the other hand, can actually do something. Tell your reps and others within the party that this is the way the wind is blowing and they need to get on board. 

I mean... you’re not helping my man. Or lady. And now you’re tabs between sentences? 

I agree. There are plenty of real things to get upset about sanders instead of trivial nonsense such as this. 

I think the criticism is valid when you look at an overall campaign. Optics is a major problem for bernie and his merry band of change makers, non-centrists, and not bad people. I think if he had phrased it as my response to the SOTU speech in essay form will be coming after Abrams’ speech, no one would have given a

Oh, here you are again. I do see the pattern now. 

I mean you’re not helping your case. You’re responding like a mad person to people who are on the internet. That’s usually an indicator of your intentions.

Your first post - at least that I have ever seen - said you won’t vote in 2020 unless that douchecanoe from VT gets the nomination. If he even runs - not sure if

Yeah given the context that seems to be the case. Hopefully with this leak it and the outrage it could spark it could lead to a shift in the paradigm towards single-payer or Medicare for All, etc.

I... don’t understand that reference. Is that good or bad?

Oh I know. I’m working to actively improve it. It will always be a hard slog, but micro results can lead to macro changes. 

Have fun not voting in 2020 then, friendo. I’m sure the revolution will happen when they people you actively don’t hold accountable get the wrong idea about your non-vote. Because even though you aren’t physically voting, you are still voting in a philosophical sense.

Try to pull candidates in a direction by being

I hate to defend this - and I won’t because I want Medicare for All, Single Payer, or whatever option we have available that allows us to know rely on private insurance anymore - but the notion of “stakeholder” is terminology used in community building.

I’m a teacher and we use it constantly to refer those that have

To your first point:

I honestly thought the title said “Assward.” 

I do not see it that way, but whatever. I’m not going to adjudicate fucking 2016 again. I’m over it. 

Let’s just say my credulity is stretched like a fine taffy knowing that a right wing rag website felt comfortable posting about this before major media follow suit.

And I do know all the background information. I do not dismiss it outright, but I approach it like any good skeptic should. If there is evidence and facts

You’re surprised that Clinton - and by extension her husband - had cultivated years and years of good will, money, and alliances within the Democratic Party to the point where people (in private correspondence) aired grievances about a candidate who spent a bulk of his time sliming the party that he wanted to be the

I know. Clearly we progressives and liberals are all the real racists ~Ben Shaprio or someone in is little brood, probably

Has anyone seen that the website that exposed this story initially is going after the Lt. Governor with sexual assault claims?

Apparently the Post didn’t run the claims because there were too many “red flags,” but it would appear they’re already prepping for Fairfax to become governor and muddy his name. 

I know my man. I mean all that shady shit with the risotto recipe. What was Podesta thinking?

Clearly bernie was robbed!