The Game Anthropologist

Sure thing, cubby.

Damn right. I’m in PA too. I can tell you one thing: if PA had early voting, the GOP would never ever win here. There were long lines in Philly the day of the election and I’m certain that curtailed the turnout. Pennsyltucky counties didn’t have to worry about stupid crap like that.

I don’t know why everyone can’t see that this is clearly a plot by the Reptilians in their proxy war with the Xenes. Let me ask you this libs, is there any evidence that it’s NOT a proxy war by our two would-be alien overlords? That’s what I thought.

Considering everything that she could potentially lose, she needs to be heard. I know people who have worked in the federal government and even in intelligence agencies/military. Lying about something like this would kill any potential advancement or future career. 

I said this somewhere else, but it bears repeating. If even one bit of this allegation and the “gang rape” allegation is remotely untrue due to this guy shouting about it, the GOP will hand wave the entire thing away as some plot. They better have it locked down and covered, especially for the sake of the women

I was about to say... I’m not one to harp on looks, but he looks like something the ghoul underneath the bridge would be scared of seeing under his bed.

“Boo corporate Joe you suck you Centrist dingus.”

I grew up in a suburb outside of Memphis. Her gerrymandered district meant she was my congressional representative and is still my mother’s. Right before the economy went tits up in 2008, she said things were fine because “the crowds at the Wolf Chase Galleria (in Cordova) were huge.”

On top of her being craven,

I was curious based on the byline, but then it was another “the Clintons” kind of article. Doesn’t it get tiring to write about? Do you get paid every time you say centrist, Clintons, corporate, or is alliteration the key to success?

The adults will be out here working on more progressives elected while others will

Honestly I thought the GOP was dead after 2008. Never let it be said that arrogance and stupidity don’t reform themselves into a giant wave of entitled white people continuing to throw their votes at goofball conservatives. 

I’m still curious if they find the Craigslist or LinkedIn post where they asked for signatures for him. That would be amazing if they find it. 

I presumed its on the business card that Ed hands out which is covered in tears, consumed alcohol and bacon grease. 

Thanks for saying it.

I’m white, so take my words with the grain of the whitest salt.

Pretty sure that was Detroit.

Me: It’s patently obvious this guy is a scumbucket. I wonder if anything else will pop up about this dick.

Blair missed the kick. 

Damn, beat me to it.

I guess now (He) I don’t have anything really (hasn’t) witty to strike Drew (missed) with. As an Eagles fan, I guess I (a) could dredge up the numerous (field) failures of the franchise over (goal) the past 50 years or so (in), but there (two) are so many to choose from. (years)

I’m not sure who “you guys” are exactly. I actually agree with you completely. I thought we were discussing the failure of the Sanders constituency and not the overall pursuit of well being.

I have moved on. To demonstrate, I will no longer be responding to you in particular, unless you have something relevant to say. Considering your post history, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb stating that the latter won’t be happening any time soon.
