The Game Anthropologist

I’m sorry, but that’s demonstrably not true. You say “we” in the sense and I understand that might be your feelings on the subject, but the vast majority of Sanders people that I encountered, that my friends encountered, and so on and so on turned their nose up to her saying she wasn’t a “real” populist. 

Thanks for the response. Quick response to your final sentence: no I don’t care to rehash anything. I’ve moved on. I do grow weary of the purity police and otherwise professional instigators who are more than happy to scream at anyone who listens how they are right about things. That is mostly what I’m responding to

I could be spitballing here - and according to the Hot Take guy I’m just a member of the old boys club or something - but the Democratic party can do what it wants essentially. I do not necessarily appreciate their structure and I’m glad they’re changing it a bit, but Clinton’s victory in the 2016 primary was a result

Sure they did, friend. I shouldn’t tell you this, but you are really on to something here, but I’m actually a sock puppet account for the DNC. The DNC is controlled by the Build-A-Bear Group and they are controlled by the Zetans. Don’t worry about the Zetans just yet; they’re going to go public soon in the form of a

Here’s the rub. If she somehow decided tomorrow to declare that she was a socialist and that she would no longer be pragmatic, she would in turn receive the ire of those far-lefties decrying her as an opportunist. 

Warren would probably be better suited in the Senate putting forward a more progressive platform from there. That section of Congress is in dire need of a dive to the left end of the pool. Maybe things can change in the next two years to make her a better candidate, but I think she should have time to grow; be a part

I’m not a scientist, but I have made a few interesting correlations regarding Cowboys fans in the Northeast. Here are my findings:

-Delaware County Pennsylvania Cowboys fans are supreme in their dickishness and petty bandwagoning

*End of Research* 

So I’m kind of new to commenting, but this is like the fourth or fifth blog post from this author which essentially seems to fit a pattern:

- trump’s collusion with Russia and his calvacade of bounder’s and shitbirds that are going to jail is not a big deal because Bernie would have won and Clinton supporters are

Congratulations on being the very rare exception of a Bernie Bro who sees the bigger picture. I’m glad you are choosing to support the candidate that wins he primary.

Yes, the “everything I don’t like it because of centrists” argument. It has such a lasting luster; a taste that never gets old. You are like a sommelier of terrible Sanders commenters, vintage 2016.

He was a flawed candidate, he lost, and I guess me (left leaning liberal) the centrist wants to move on. Some just don’t

Or as Katherine Krueger would say, “meh.” 


I’m not the biggest fan of Menedez by any means, but I understand that his case has some sense of nuance to it. I could be wrong though.

What I continuously see are these die hard Bernie fans completely shitting on anything that does not align lock/step with him. It’s very frustrating.

We actually have a giant Gayerhood that stretches to South Philly. So it’s a lot better.

Oh, we gotta tough guy here. Quoting Chris Rock jokes too? Oh yeah!

Let me play your little game friendo. People who lay their hands on their kids are pussies. Straight up. You hatched a child and now you consider them your property.

People abuse their property all the time. Slam a monitor when it doesn't "function"

Oh, slow clap my friend.

Now playing

All questions will now be directed to the NFL's new lawyer, Nathan Thurm.

Here's me calling out two for the price of one.

I saw a lot of those guys passing through Ridley Park when I lived there.

Primary Enticement Mechanism for the US Army in World War Z.