
I sadly remember seeing this movie in the theater. Was Raul Gulia's last film too. I thought the only great moment in that film was Ming-Na Wen's Chun-Li freaking out and kicking Bison's ass after Raul Gulia's awesome line, "..the day I killed your father must have been the most horrible day of your life, but for me -

Wishful pipedream part of me wishes its World of Starcraft. Then I'll actually care to play a Blizzard mmo for once since I've never oddly cared for WoW.

@BtownDesignGuy: Someone brought that question up on NEOgaf and apparently a few gaffers and a Sony engineer stepped in to mention the console actually has had reserves set aside on the hardware specifically for this feature for a long time.

"The Grind" is what made me eventually throw in the towel on FFXI after 5 years. I hope to god the new mmo SE has been working on won't be the same, but I somehow doubt that severely.

@gencid: You get two forms of trophies... these 2D XMB based ones and the ones on Home. I'm cool with that, but I agree more excited for the Home Hall of Fame one.

Sketchy is good. Daddy likes.

I used to play this on the Master System all the time. That's a trip down nostalgia lane.

I spent a few hours reading this puppy. I wish it came out before the release, it would've made the convoluted cutscenes make more sense.

The film industry deals with this all the time (i.e. Fox's handling of X3: The Last Stand.

I would love my school to carry all the dev tools to learn from. If the concern is to have a hands-on get to know basis with the consoles I'm for it. I feel knowing the limitiations and inner workings of various platforms are as beneficial as knowing what's inside your computer.

@Diverse-Nerd: I didn't know about it or know anyone who were users on it until I started game development studies.

@Shiryu: I shared his exactly civil sentiment and was crucified, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it. I still find the only way to enjoy the gameplay is to play it on its hardest difficulty so that it forces you to use the games mechanics - now the gameplay time equals the convoluted cutscene time as

@VishusBurn: Unfortunately I don't agree. Sorry. :)

@Captain Impulse: I agree the thought of a next-gen 3D Strider adventure would be just amazing. It always had a Ninja Gaiden, Sonic, mixed with Metal Gear feel for me. Loved it.

@Garo: Very true. :)

@American_N_Japan: "The bar on what a game should look, play, feel, like as well as cost has been elevated to all new heights. Game programmers the world over are assuredly cursing Kojima Productions right now."

Where did you get that photo Brian? Cliff is going to kill you. lol

Damage already seems done. The fact they waited a month to gag order someone with an infamous penchant for public petulance says a lot.

I agree 100% with the review except for the game play. Fantastic cinematic game experience and presentation all around. After playing this Kojima should seriously look into film directing and how to edit/cut scenes than making more games, because after beating MGS4 and reflecting on the experience it felt like a 90%

No playgirl? What the hell Kojima. :)