“Agree with me or perish.”

How do you even internet

It’s like a great Curb Your Enthusiasm. I love it!

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

Rugby, especially sevens, is considerably easier to understand than cricket. It’s akin to American Football, but without forward passes and stopping play every 12 seconds.

Oh man, I really want to read the Zirin takedown. He’s one of those annoying writers where I’ll agree with a few of his pieces, but then realize he’s not a person with real opinions or insights, he’s just chasing a Good Liberal Opinion Haver trophy.

Rodman, right?

shhhhh.. i was humble bragging

I noticed a small detail in the photo that may change your mind:

Well that’s part and parcel with embracing mistakes, right?

Yeah you’re totally right.. When Vince Carter dunked over that 7-foot French dude in 2000 it totally ruined it because France was a second-tier international team that year...

+1 glass of water when you have a sec.

“We understood their one-dimensional offense. We successfully gameplanned for it. If you want to celebrate them despite their terrible offensive performance, than do so, but we declare that we figured out their offense and effectively stopped it.”

Which they did, but then the defense scored three touchdowns and the

Two things:

He’s already set to be catering the awards

Russell: Siri, how do I score?

Ciara was hardly the first person to get boned in England recently by some guy who hasn’t got a clue what he is doing.

The Blues Clues guy, clearly...

bypass article, straight to comments?

Don’t give Hinkie what he actively pursued. And the Cards are the worst, but not the worst.