ah, actually that is exactly what it does, unless you consider every damn American who made 20K last year rich when compared to the rest of the world.

probably not a good thing to have your weak spot be the same place as where your assets lie.

Outside magazine did an article about the crew of people who investigate runners on they have unearthed a ton of people cheating in races.

because he was one of the best of all time. Never had to hang out with him so don’t know if I would like him.

NBA TV has been running a show about the quest for the season triple double and Oscar and (I think) Isaiah Thomas (the evil one) are interviewed talking about how much easier it is now to get the record because all of these stat hungry, three point chuckin’ whipper snapper are only focused on stats. Back then, all

If he can produce proof that he has used it in the past then it would make it an open and shut case and hope he would get a boat load of cash.

Yup, because that is EXACTLY what I said, jackass.

If it is such a common term in tennis and in his vernacular for the sport, you would have to think he would have evidence of his own usage of the term in previous matches, right?

I thought that was a tattoo-less Kevin Prince Baoteng

Who knew old people sending their kids emails about how they haven’t called recently would get a website into the top 5?



As a Twins fan, every time Torii Hunter got a hit in the last few years in MN, I would always cheer, “Fuck that guy” as happily as I could. It give me some distance from his douchiness.

what other president have you expressed interest in their school records, exactly? When did that become a thing?

I love his hashtag #juatsaying

I totally expected this article to be from Burnako.

YEAH!! Give me high quality vomit pizza video or no vomit pizza video!

jesus — this is really how you are spending your New Years Day?
