you are confusing the style of the rant with the content of the rant. I would agree that Drew can often take a similar tone with these pseudo op-eds, but the content is often very different and usually based on researched facts/dick jokes.

Usually community service revolves around doing free work, often on the weekend, for a "non-profit" for the betterment of said non-profit... wait a minute... TIME SERVED!

You can add, Nigerians tend not to speak Swahili, and that English is the national language. He certainly needs no assistance speaking like a jackass.


Who is the most likable on staff at deadspin? The most hated?

That is awesome — Barry is somehow the answer to all of the questions.

Seriously, is Tom 9 years old??

Who of the deadspin staff would win Jeopardy? Who would finish 3rd? Who wouldn't even get to final jeopardy due to being negative?

dunno — a team that has the world's biggest flop artist (Neymar) and the ultra-villain (Suarez) is becoming really easy to hate.

It clearly seems this dude has never left Madison after getting his undergrad degree. Milwaukee is a superior city in just about every way when compared to Madison. Solid state, Wisconsin.

a colloquial term for Customs and Border Protection, perhaps? Tim, can you spell everything out for us next time?

ace makes one too. I enjoy it but have noticed people either love it or want to vomit

I loved that leinnies Apple spice. Tasted like a true spiced Apple ale. No idea why they stopped making that

Huh. Just googled it. Seems like a classy guy.

Most companies will pass on new costs at some level to the paying customer.

I am behind the times on this one; his legal name is War Machine?

I don't know about you, but before I give a gift to an organization, I do a bit of research first. A quick view of the "about us" page, usually shows the race organization's status.

Yes, many running organizations are for profit. You are volunteering to help runners, not the organization. Could you imagine what the backlog at the waterstations would look like if they paid everyone? What would the fee be for the marathon? a few hundred dollars?

never understood why MKE doesn't have pro hockey or even a minor league soccer team. Seems like a good market for both.

are you actually being serious or trolling, because his comments have nothing to do with semantics.