New Wilbon? What the hell are you talking about?
New Wilbon? What the hell are you talking about?
that is a link to an article written in July.
I think the reason why Felli gets the hype is because he has more value due to his skill and youth. For this season, Baines is the more important piece, but the long term bet is Felli. Happy it looks like we will be able to keep both of them (key word is looks).
you spelled "tatoo" wrong.
I don't think you know what tacky means.
Being racist has nothing to do with simply "craziness". Both are assholes, Suarez is both crazy and and ass.
being a racist does qualify someone is an asshole as well. Suerez is worse.
I think Di Mateo or Martinez are the best options, with Martinez the better fit. He fits the model, accomplishing much with a budget of very little and discovering players (admittedly not in the back line). Maybe if Moyes brings Felli, Martinez could bring Koune.
not going to lie. I laughed. +1
+1 for being the author of great novels while using the avatar of a young Stalin.
Nope— pretty historic team with legions of die-hard fans.
The article explains the lack of access to TV ratings. It isn't the only way to judge "America's Team", but is one way. Interesting article
The article was written before he died. It's intention was to be specific to Moore, but was speaking about the likelihood that the risk would continue to increase. Nothing about this article is "rude to his family and friends".
Nice work. +1
I find it a bit odd that someone would judge others by their phone use. Personal choice is just that: a personal choice. I like my Note because it allows me to only carry/buy one device. It works for me. I didn't buy it as a statement of LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE.
Umm, I was referring to your assumption, without any facts, that all murders would occur with or without access to guns. That is a very large assumption that all gun murders would occur without access to guns, just with the next best thing, like Knives.
I love how DrNick disproved someone's baseless statement (i.e. without any information to back it up) with researched fact, and the response to it was again baseless statements to attempt to prove their point.
watch the clip, buddy.
Are there any other fun Stats driven books out there for the lay reader that you would recommend? What were your thoughts on the book, "Scorecasting" or "soccernomics"?