
People just hate it when kids get taken away. But when CPS misses a case they get even angrier. Child Protective Services is a thankless job that only saints work. Hyperbole? No. This is the front lines. Endless work weeks where, if you don’t get your job done, it’s a crying child sitting in your office who suffers,

Which was not at all what I commented on. I commented on whether an IQ of 66 was more than mild, it’s not. Mild is usually the range of 50-70.

Holy shit, it honestly never occurred to me that “gypped” was a reference to gypsies. Though I think that’s partly because I never knew how it was spelled.

We also didn’t know they were called anything except gypsies until, like, the 1990s. I think I learned the word “Romany/Roma” on my own, from Stephen King’s Thinner. School never taught us one way or the other.

Did they know how it’s spelled? Because I didn’t make the connection until I saw it spelled like that. I thought it was jipped until a couple years ago.

Just don’t throw them in with the Tramps and Thieves.

It’s super racist. A friend-of-a-friend who I only know about through Facebook has a kid named Gypsy, and it’s about as pig-ignorant as naming your child the n-word.

Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”


All I know is, if my dog disappeared for nine months and we thought she was dead, and then she suddenly showed up again, I would weep. That’s a good girl. Dogs are amazing. And thank goodness for dedicated dog rescuers.

That is a good dog.

As someone who gets upwards of 100 emails a day at work, let me just say...

Good on them.

I think we can all agree that this is an instance where dealing with the guy with extreme force was perfectly justified. I’m guessing ‘road rage.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

I shouldn’t be, but I am kind of floored by Shaub emphasizing “public service is a public trust” in his resignation letter. Good for Shaub.

If only the Hopital staff were armed we’d dajsdpodjqpojxaspoxjapcnacjacisacnaqaldkjqwpdjqpdojqxjXAXLAKJX;js;pxjaxjasoi

I think most of us have done this before, sometimes unintentionally when the traffic on the other side of the intersection suddenly stops. Seems like both parties were at least partially at fault though. Regardless, what a terrible situation.

We use these all the time at the coffee shop I work at. They scare the shit out of me so I’m always extremely careful using them. My coworkers tease me about it but apparently I have a good reason to be careful. I’m sorry that this woman died. It’s so unfortunate.