
Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum

I grew up on Disney too but yeah I don’t get emotional about that at all. I dunno.

I would say it’s the nostalgia. I grew up watching Disney films, and I always get emotional when hearing “When you wish upon a star.”

My experience isn’t reflective of everyone else because I live about a 3 hour drive away from Disney, so it’s very accessible to me.

I think the food is only overpriced if you’re not coming from a place like Metro NJ/NY, Los Angeles, etc.

Ooooooh girrrrl. That shit goes on your permanent record! So NOW you think affordable healthcare and a working welfare system are OK, do ye? Hmmm, Little Miss Welfare Queen? Taker? Sponge? La de da.

And, here’s to many more!

Man, she was 21-22 when it went down. I could barely pay my rent at that age; I couldn’t imagine doing something of that magnitude when I was that dumb and to have it haunt me for literally the rest of my life. She’ll die in 50 years and it’ll be a story and that sucks. 

You know, I wish people would just leave Monica Lewinsky alone.

I mean, pro-life only goes so far, right? Mothers dying giving birth? Meh.

Texas is Americas first “third-world” state.

Criminals aren’t usually very smart. And yeah, the HIPAA violations alone...

I’ve worked in the medical field for 30 years (including 12 years for a plastic surgery practice), and the idea that electronic medical records are a boon to patient privacy is, in ways we continue to learn, counter-intuitive. I mean, if you wanted to steal 15000 medical records in the 80s, you’d need a big-ass truck

Imagine being her kids. Oh hey - normal life? Never going to have that.

In order to volunteer at any of the schools in our school district, you have to fill out an application which includes permission for them to do a background check. I am of the hope that ‘former serial killer’ would preclude someone from volunteering.

“Coincidentally, this is also my very mysterious response when people ask why I am going all the way over to the emptier downstairs bathroom”

Ah, God rest him. The Allman Brothers were a constant in the soundtrack to my life. The people die, but the music lives on.

I have to speak up on this one. I have had the da Vinci morcellation surgery to remove a gigantic fibroid and it changed my life. Without it, I likely would have had to get a hysterectomy in my early 30's. My recovery was three days with minimal pain and scarring. And I still had my fertility.

It’s okay if you don’t come visit us, we don’t really want to be here either.

I hate this idea that parents always know what’s best- just because your a parent doesn’t make you an expert on education or healthcare. The same argument comes into vaccination discussions too. Experts and researchers sometimes know more than you, parents!