
It’s vast compared to my salary (and Ima gonna assume yours too, heh) but compared to New Yorks most bigly and awesome companies, everything with Trump written on it is small league. I bet there are conversations in top restaurants like this all the time:

Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!

War criminal. Fuck him.

Agreed. No matter how much everyone shit-talks him, I will always have a fondness for him (I mean, unless he does something REAL bad). He was amazing in this movie, and I still think he’s a fantastic actor. Especially when he’s playing villains (so good in Django). Plus he does a lot of good for the environment,

Why won’t the media report on this terrorism? Are they afraid of not being PC?!

When will white people address their culture of violence?

How was he radicalized? Where was he praying? Why didn’t neighbors report him?

No no no. It’s only the free market when it serves their ideology. If it doesn’t, it’s the liberal media pushing that sjw bullshit narrative.

Take note Republicans: This is how the free market works.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.

I’m hoping we can keep up this level of disappointment and anger among people for the next 17 months so we can harness it for 2018 midterm elections!

I’m not usually one to play the “call it terrorism” card but

One of the Great Loons of America has passed. God, he was wonderful in a coked-up-Wayne-Newton-Meets-Hugh-Hefner way. Which is to say it was great television.

Aww man, my Dad and I used to watch The Gong Show when I was little. He thought the Unknown Comic was the funniest thing ever. Dad is a difficult guy who wasn’t born with the patience for parenting, so it’s a happy memory of him.

To Whom It May Concern:

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

They need some pot and xanax to calm their balls down.

Or just how to cook up stuff with vegetables that actually tastes good. Having grown up in a household in which cooked vegetables inevitably came out of the oven in a Corningware casserole in a sad shade of overcooked green, it’s been a revelation to roast, steam and otherwise prep them in a way that makes me want to

It’s like Pamela Anderson is stuck in an eternal loop of playing a cool girl who is the only one that understands the bad boy. Only in this case the bad boy is an old, gross man, who is more nefarious   than bad. Really not a good look.