Can you imagine being a first responder to that? Jesus.
Question. Wouldn’t the VW presumably be in cruise control? How much external force does it take to disengage cruise control? Also, what’s up with the wheels on that Tesla?
Why is everyone missing the most obvious point here. The Trump team, led by Bannon, WANTS to align American interests with Russia. There are two major conflicts on the horizon. One, with radical Islam, and one with China. You know what us and Russia happen to have in common? We are both against radical Islam, and…
So wait, you are praising him for being a communist? Or are you espousing communism? That’s funny you probably consider yourself a liberal. Do you know that in every major country where communism has been practiced or attempted it has resulted in the deaths of literally hundreds of millions? Did you know that? Of…
I used to substitute teach at Chino Hills. Two more years? Kid will be lucky to make it out of there alive. I sure was.
I love how all of a sudden 0-60 times don’t matter. That’s weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with electric cars blowing the doors off of regular cars that you all worship like creeps. Probably no correlation though.
Hating a good person because of their success. You are the embodiment of what is wrong with the world. Read a fucking history book you loser.
In my early 20s I worked at a summer camp for elementary school kids. Sometimes they would want to play basketball. I would teach them what winning was all about, and it looked an awful lot like this.
Pretty sure I cant comment on here anyways but a random question. If you marry an American don’t you become an American citizen by default? Or is that just in the movies?
Without casting blame one way or another, economic activity naturally rises and falls. Let’s not forget that people think of the Clinton years as this wonderful economic paradise but the reality is most of that wealth that was created was fake. It was eliminated as the .com bubble burst. Now Bush went and fucked…
So Hollywood personality attacks Republican = Good. Hollywood personality attacks Democrat = Bad.
Here is a question. How long until these things race themselves? I mean we must be pretty close right? If automated systems are better than real drivers, what better way to prove it than on a race track?
Is Tomlin complaining about having to play on the road? Maybe get a higher seed next year you fucking douche.
Sooooo what’s your view on them releasing the emails again?
That Everest looks like a Dodge Durango and a Chrysler Aspen had a love child. As in: Non-starter.
Can we get these product fail videos going they are great.
So how aggressively have the Chinese been trying to reverse engineer Teslas? Or does Tesla actually share their patents?