My bad.
My bad.
I’m sorry but carrying out criminal activity by any and all definitions of the word while on the field PALE in comparison to having a football at the lowest allowable PSI and then working with mother nature to invoke some kind of mystical voodoo magic to make the ball deflate even further. We have to think about the…
Did they finally win out and get to sell them in NJ? I love how there is a car dealer lobby group who argues how important car dealerships are to the ‘experience of buying a car’.
So you have a problem with the police catching people who have warrants for their arrest? You understand what a warrant is right?
Well is there a law that says that driverless cars are illegal? Driverless isn’t even a word that Google spell check recognizes, so I bet the answer is no.
So self landing rockets and self driving cars (at the same time) isn’t enough for you? Man this dude is just such a con artist.
No man, that would be fucking awful. If all cars were autonomous and able to all travel a regulated speed and had almost no driver input then the cars could travel at 100 mph or greater. I am sure advances in aerodynamics have made that whole 55 mph thing to maximize efficiency go out the window. Plus if the cars are…
Ok I just noticed that waetherman answered it already but its the truth. The difference between a 1 year old and a 2 year old is like the difference between a dog and a cat. So until you have kids you won’t understand it. I know I didn’t understand it 2 years ago, but do now. So just think up a different question that…
Or stick an attendant at each one and pay them 12 bucks an hour to charge driverless cars as they come by.
How are you going to resell that thing? Is the warranty transferable?
...Said everyone in 2001...
You telling me someone who can shell out 130 thousand fucking dollars can’t drop 29k on a Toyota Highlander to take that twice a year trip to grandma’s house? Your concern is a non-factor. The people in the tax bracket that is required to afford the X do not give a shit about having only one car and have the funds and…
Can someone explain to me why anyone in their right mind thinks LA needs a hostile, aggressive sport to move into that place? I’ve been to 5 Dodgers games, 3 times with a Giants fan. All of those times I was scared for my well-being and that was before they actually killed a guy. Part of me thinks putting an…
I second this notion. I like to fantasy house shop even though I just built a house and every time I see a decent house, the second I come across the ‘sun room addition’ picture I want to vomit. Wow, a stinky sauna with obscured windows. What a glorious room.
I’ve been doing this for a bit, probably since I read it on this blog a few years ago. I used to buy Chaps shirts from Kohls when I started my job, then I realized that they had about 15 wears in them each before all of the buttons popped off and they wouldn’t stay tucked in because they had shrunk.
This is fantastic. Like halfway through the story I was already trying to come up with a witty comment about him going to the Cowboys because, well, fuck the Cowboys and then it just kind of happened! Take him and Greg Hardy you fucking pieces of hillbilly trash.
I think Miko is Finkel.
Please stop trying to write intelligently. You write for a sports blog. This thing was a pain to read because you are not eloquent nor all that bright, so just write your fucking story in plain english next time, ok? Or shall I portend to make a metaphorical reference to cats licking their fur coats for one to…
We’ve twice (at least) had B-52’s actually crash, explode, burn, and kill everyone on board with multiple nuclear weapons and the bombs did not detonate. Once off the coast of Spain and once in North Carolina.
How dare you speak the truth!