I want to swim in this soup
I want to swim in this soup
I’m guessing y’all wont find this as hilarious as I still find it. Anyway, back in high school, some friends and I broke into the school late one Monday night and plastered the walls with flyers saying “It’s Happening Wednesday.” There was so much hype for Wednesday. Obviously nothing happened Wednesday.
Is telling your abusive husband that you're going on a two week trip to visit your parents and celebrate your pregnancy but then never coming back considered a prank? Because it felt like I was pranking him and it was definitely some of my best work.
Fired at a job interview? That’s pretty impressive!
And I think it doesn’t matter whether this was the toddler’s mind protecting him in his despair via imaginary bear friend, or a real bear friend protecting the little boy. The end result is that a three-year-old child is alive and safe. I’m perfectly willing to settle for this.
I’ve been doing this all my life with the microwave.
My wife slams it like she saw a ghost. Every. Time.
When I was younger, I genuinely believed that I had never enjoyed any of the benefits of white privilege. I was poor, with no prospects, no hope of any far-off future inheritance, working demeaning jobs, living in crappy apartments, and so on. I would get fairly indignant at any suggestion that I was somehow the…
Highly recommend growing golden beets. Less mess on the cutting board and I love the flavor.
Part of me wants him to join and speak up with all of the other Parkland survivors. This is someone who thought in the moment, “What can I do to prevent more loss of life” and took action. I think his instincts are a powerful symbol of the goodness in people.
I can’t even begin to imagine being 15 years old and making the deliberate choice to use my own body as a barricade to block gunfire and take bullets in order to save my classmates’ lives.
Opened these extension links in new tabs so I can check them out later.
We were out to dinner with my father in-law. He told the waitress his order, then pointed at my 12 year old son and said “and he’ll have a shit sandwich”.
You’re missing out, then. Bibimbap is quite possibly the most hearty, satisfying meal known to man. And as Mad Dog Brut pointed out, bulgogi is fantastic (my favorite versions of bibimbap are heavy on the bulgogi).
My daughter has just finished her 4th round of chemo for Pre-B ALL (Leukemia). We’re talking this week with our care team about returning her to school, and this terrifies me. It all seems reasonable, and yet... ugh. If your kid had a runny nose or a fever (even without other symptoms) can you at least call the parent…
That is not at all far fetched.
Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.
If you’re looking to get a headstart on your New Year’s resolution and finally edit those family photos, learn a…
Goddamn autocorrect. MUSCLE car, not musical.