
whose companies just happen to align with environmentalism

When you can't defend your own BS, attack the person calling you out. Standard procedure for people faking it until they make it...

Yeah - I hope they get a bill from all the insurance companies at a minimum.

Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

This is always the argument they use to justify shooting every dog they see.

If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

The YouTube channel in question is the popular B is for Build

The sponsor is paying someone for him to take this seriously. He just said he doesn’t take it seriously at all. Why would they continue to sponsor him?

No shit. He thought he could steer a train off the rails over curbs, fences, and two intersections?

Now that's some car control.

The Bats and the Furious.

Michael, my life is now in complete shambles. If only I’d been able to read about this absurd but neat car of no actual consequence to the universe 2 hours earlier, none of this would have happened. I hope you’re happy.

It’s gray.

Jalopnik is one of the very few outlets that does not agree to informational embargoes. That means that other outlets sign extensive non-disclosure agreements, agreeing to sit on information for days, weeks, sometimes months in advance, and not say a peep about it until a manufacturer’s marketing team says they can.

If you truly want to blow my mind, tell me it’s coming to a dealer near me starting at $39,900. 

How did you write an entire post about this car, and all of its insane specifications, and not even mention the Freevalve technology it will be using?!

waste of time? This dude just single handidly opened the door for SO many new plate options in Kentucky, and helped secure first amendment rights.

I dunno, keeping overreaching states’ grubby little paws off the constitution and testing the first amendment seems like a pretty worthwhile activity

If only he dedicated this much time to something worth while.