
As sweet as that sounds it’s not going to sell in any volume to save the company.  They needs good suv's right now to survive. 

Sports cars never save companies. They may bring attention and spectacle, but you need better products across the board to generate the interest and sales. Nissan has none of that.

Sure but we cannot ignore opportunities to make improvement in fighting global warming. Even small ones are worthwhile and will add up in the long run. Electric cars are really shaping up to be an easy change too that will not require drastic changes to the way we live now.

In 1989 I brought a Micro Machine Blue Angels F-18 for Show & Tell in Kindergarten. It was stolen from my locker and the culprit was caught the same day, because he was 5. I transferred schools after a few weeks and never saw the guy again, until we ran into each other in a college bar. He turned the story around that

EVs are less than 1% car sales. I believe in them and the future that they hold, but ICE cars will not disappear overnight. 

Will there be a full on FUCK YOU edition?

Battery technologies need to have lots of properties at the same time to be commercially viable and these announcements usually don’t mention the one property that the new technology doesn’t have that is the ultimate deal-breaker. For example:
- Environmentally friendly- check
- High capacity/energy density - check

Lost?  You should see the other guy. And by guy I mean pedestrian. 


Yep, I was definitely going off of articles like this, glad to learn either the articles or the guys replying to me are misinformed, currently seems like the “dampers are better at suspension than tires” crowd makes sense, but until today I had heard the other side so often that I just assumed it was a widely known

Thanks. Clearly my previous information on this topic was very poorly sourced, I ran with the idea that most of the spring in cars like this was the tire and jumped to a conclusion that end result must make suspension design harder. Also Extrapolated from the terrible experiences on low profile road cars, which just

Kids first attempt to draw a race car when he knows nothing about actual cars”

Stiffer tyres are way better for chassis design. There will be a lot less uncontrolled movement from the tyres (which have extremely low internal damping) which means the suspension will have a bigger influence on the handling.

100% agree, the 18 inch f1 renders look stupid, like some kid’s first attempt to draw a race car when he knows nothing about actual cars. And I’ve yet to understand any benefit to the larger wheels, in f1 the big sidewalks do a ton of suspension work, now they can’t, hard to believe needing larger and beefier

I am excited to watch the cars break more. watching these current cars go over rumble strips with a lot of lateral loading, you see just how much of that lateral strain the tires absorb. so now there is going to be less area for the tire to absorb that lateral load. it will be transferred into the suspension, which

Never. Even when the robots are doing all the driving for us.

Matt, if you really want to know what it’s doing up there, could you Tweet @realDonaldTrump or call the White House?

I have given you a sadness star.

I should preface this post by saying that I am a 73 year old that obviously grew up in a different time. From the time I was twelve on, I was taught and believed that a man’s word was his bond and very few people were willing to tarnish their reputation. Sad to say, it doesn’t exist anymore, if it ever did.

Drive the cars you own, but just for fun.