
Funny thing... just 2 days ago I was sprinting between two terminals to a connecting flight. There was a loooooong ass set of stairs, with an almost empty escalator next to it. I sprinted past two slowly moving people to get there first (they had plenty of room). I was moving fast up the escalator, and when I got to

you don’t want to use the escalator as it’s intended to be used

well that escalated quickly!

You sound like you’re a blast at parties, assuming you are invited to any.

I am a fast walker in general, and slow walkers really get my goat.

There is not. There are elevators as alternatives, but no traditional staircases in the public parts of the building. The building in question is the Renaissance Center in Detroit if you care to investigate.

“the real staircases that are available nearby 95% of the time” <- not in my experience. 

In my office building there are no regular stairs as an alternative. I don’t push past people, but I will always walk when the path is clear. I am a fast walker in general, and slow walkers really get my goat. I walk about a mile from my car to my desk, and most of that time is spent calculating how I will walk around

“Best” for me would be the Austin FX4, because the doors could be reached from the front seat, allowing the cab driver to open a passenger’s door without getting out of the driver’s seat.

The promising feedback in and of itself would be enough to convince me that the aeroscreen is a great option—but it also looks really damn cool, too.

Today, somebody in a car you can never ever own did something you can never ever do.

They can’t pay for health care how do you expect them to pay for a new sign.

$1000 a month and they still pick and choose what shit they want to pay for. I had one company refuse to pay a $12 lab fee or something because they said it was unfounded, I called them up and was like between me and my employer you received $1200 in premiums last month, you can pay a fucking $12 lab fee... 

I always tell my 4yo to work on his finger dexterity bc of all the job growth coming in human-driven manufacturing.

“This isn’t about most people.”

I have ridden in one (1) race car outfitted with five-pointers, so I’m no expert. But my impression was that without a helmet and a HANS is snap-your-neck lethal (I learned it by watching Mr. Regular!). So this seems to be a faulty take based on incomplete information.

This is where I was thinking. Most cars you can only hear the engine or exhaust noise as they are right on you or past you. Maybe everyone needs mudding tires?

Already made my choice.

“While most people, especially blind and visually impaired pedestrians, rely on engine noises as a way to gauge a vehicle’s distance and speed.”

NASCAR: The whole country is turning left!